Vekoma SLC's

Am I correct in saying that all of these coasters are clones of each other. The reason that I ask is because you hear that some SLC's are very painful and are not that exciting to be on. But the only SLC that I have been On The Hangman at Wild Adventures In Valdosta Ga is a great little ride the only time I even get pushed around hard is when the trian hits the brakes at the end.
Other than that the ride has a couple of good surprises(Drop by the loading station, Foot Choppers) and really good g's throughout the ride even a little bit of airtime on that drop by the loading station that comes as a complete surprise.
If these coasters are all clones why do some people Hate it and some love it.
I Have been on B&M inverts and love them as well so it is not a factor of what coasters I have been on.

#1 Steel-Incredible Hulk
#1 Wood--Timber Wolf
They are all more or less clones of each other. Some are a little bit taller some are a few feet longer but they are more or less the same. Some are smoother becuase at one point Vekoma went back and made some of the transistions better and they are noe making the track better.
Hurray for Twolf!!! Ive been preaching the quality of the SLCs for 2 years now. The yare great rides. People don't like them becasue of the cloneness!! just because there are more than one of a ride doesn mean the design is no good. Ill admit they can be somewhat rough but compared to any other arrow or vekoma looper they better than average. we are all just spoiled by B&M smoothies!!!!!!!
I don't dislike them because of the cloneness, I dislike them because I went to SFNE Friday and rode Mind Eraser and my earrings made my head bleed from banging against the restraints so much. It's like asking why someone doesn't like Togo anymore.....gee, Windjammer? Pain makes a coaster an unpleasant experience, no matter how cool the elements are.

Natalie "Bleeding head" Villani
I do not like clones and the general idea but I can appreciate a good ride and the Vekoma Slc at Wild Adventures in Valdosta is a great Ride. The Coaster is 3 years old now That is in general a young SLC So maybe it is because of improvements to the design that vekoma made.
Trust me I hate the Clone Idea I think every coaster should be unique but Another coaster is another coaster and I will never refuse to ride a coaster because it is a clone of one at another park. amen!!!!!!

#1 Steel-Incredible Hulk
#1 Wood--Timber Wolf
Jeff's avatar
I've never met an SLC I didn't like, but for some reason keep getting on them. I don't mind that they're all the same, but if they're all the same and all bad, that's not a good thing.

I noticed while at SFO on their SLC last week that the guide wheels have a lot of space between them and the rails. The upstop wheels also don't make constant contact. I would attribute the roughness at least in part to this loose wheel tolerance. As you enter turns or inversions you can watch these wheels slam in to the track and begin turning, and they "hunt" for the track and bounce off of it through the entire circuit.

Needless to say, the head-swallowing harnesses don't help either.

Webmaster/Admin -
SLC's are fun rides, but the cloneung does detract from the ride's uniqueness, kind of like on Batman, tough it has maneged to stay fresher as their are not as many and it is a better ride. As for the bleeding ears, you are suposed to take your earings off before you ride, they should say it in the line and if not, shame on them. Also, think before you ride, it has horse collars that come close to the ears ans it bangs a little, so it might cause earings to get hit a little.

Six Flags America IS a Six Flags park! *** This post was edited by WildOne on 5/30/2000. ***
i heard arumor of new trains for ST at SFO within the next two years

how true ????jeff? u know
I have been on only one SLC. It is the Mind Eraser at SFA. I hated it. It was the only coaster I have ever been on that I wish would stop. From the bottom of the first drop to the brakes the ride was non-stop head banging. Even though there are Batman clones all over the country, at least Batman is a good ride unlike these SLC's. But maybe its just the Mind Eraser at SFA thats this rough. I am going to ride Serial Thriller this summer and I have heard good things about this SLC.

I also like on some SLC how the guys at Vekoma have nothing under the lift so when you get stuck and the ride doesnt start again you have to wait hours for a crane instead of just walking down the ramp on B&Ms.
there is a staircase to the side that drops down and out so you can walk down!
Here is a statistical site of my homepage dedicated to worldwide SLCs

be prepared the site is in German
why not clone these great coasters , now everybody in the world can ride them.
Well said, achtbaan. We are spoiled in the states.
The Prototype SLC at SFH is horrible, painful and completely ripe for dismantling. Instead they just took away two cars, making it slower, less capacity effective, but not smoother. Vekoma are now building the third generation of this design, and still theres so much complaining about the ride.
Actually taking two cars off SHOULD make the ride better.

Most of them have 11 cars, 10 with seats, and that "back one"

The trains are too long, and are constantly pushing and pulling through the smaller inversions.

8 car trains are good, and T2 at SFKK has seven, which is good, but the roughness on that perticular SLC is uncalled for.
achtbaan, what do you see in these coasters?
your pro vekoma/con B&M why does b&M suck post was...biased.
And i dont see a 265ft slc with a 200 ft loop happening soon either. or a lauched 7 inverter.

Frankly, i feel the SLC is akin to a wooden inverted, but without the wood, these hang and bangs have no excuse.

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