Vegas Coasters!

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Hey everyone, I just got back from Las Vegas and some other sites that I will tell you about in the trip report(yes, I'll get to the coasters). We arrived at the Phoenix Airport on 3-22, rented a Ford Taurus, and off we went to Sedona, of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. After Sedona, we drove the 2hr30min drive to Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is worth a trip, but in my opinion(same as my parents), once you've seen it once, you've seen it all. Then my dreams finally came true, we drove the 5hr drive to Viva Las Vegas and checked in to Treasure Island. There is only one thing I have to say about the Treasure Island Hotel..................see Cirque Du Soleil's Myste're! Wow, was I blown away! Anyways, the first day we got to Vegas, we drove to the Sahara to ride Speed: The Ride. While arriving at the far entrance, I had no idea how to get to the ticket counter. My mom and I followed the signs through the casino and the Nascar Cafe to Speed. Ok, this is the time when I point out a bad experience I had while I was waiting to get on Speed.........Here it goes......After waiting in a 20 or so minute line to buy my all day ride wristband for Speed, we finally get to the ticket counter that has only one cash register open. I say to the girl behind the counter,"I'll have one all day ride wristband for the COASTER ONLY please". For all who don't know, you can get two different kinds of ride wristbands, one for the coaster only(which I wanted) or one for the coaster and the race car motion simulator they have. So anywho, she rang me up on the cash register and she said,"that will be $19.95 please". For all who don't know again, the coaster only wristband is $14.95 and the other is $19.95. I told her she rang up the wrong one and she denied it! She was mad at me for not being specific enough! I even said I wanted the coaster only. So, she had to go in the backroom to get the manager to come out, which took about 5-10minutes. They gave me my $5 back had to go back to the backroom again to get my wristband! By this point, I had a now 30minute line behind me, I was so mad. Finally, she puts it on me and I leave to ride Speed....At least that's what I think. I'm traveling all around to find the entrance to this thing! I go to the on ride photo booth to ask but find nobody there. I finally see a very small sign on the handrail going up that reads,"Rollercoaster upstairs". By this time all I want to do is scream. Ok, I just finished my trip report and my computer goes crazy. Shoot.........I also rode ME which sucked, it was very rough and not worth $10. I then did Circus Circus which was very nice and themed well. Canyon Blaster had great airtime after the double loops which was a nice touch. I didn't get to do Stratosphere because it would cost to much to get a taxi out there(my mom had the car), pay to get to the top, pay for Big Shot, and get a taxi back. we were also short on time and that day had high winds. We then drove to McCarren Airport for a nice flight back to Columbus, Ohio.....whoppeeddeeedoo! Thank you for reading, please respond!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

*** This post was edited by cdrpointcrazy4 on 3/30/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by cdrpointcrazy4 on 3/30/2002. ***

To all who are confused, I was done with my trip report and it erased all that I didn't save, so I had to start again. My first version was longer, I just am so tired and I'm going to go to bed, goodnight!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

well, it sure sounds like you went on a crowded day to ride Speed: The Ride. When I went, both times there were no lines at the ticket counter. Also, how do you get lost when the entrance to the coaster is right next to the ticket counter (unless they moved the ticket counter)???

Six Flags Magic Mountain Xtreme Guide

I guess I wasn't paying enough attention! lol, well I did finally find it I guess you could say the hard way......

Good Times!! Good Times!!

Yeah, I was there two months ago and there was no line. Also, the entrance is right next to the ticket counter! I guess if you were that frustrated, maybe you missed it.

How much more floorless can they get?

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