Well I'm going on a huge trip starting the 10th and through it, I'll go to Vegas for 4 days and I'll be at Knotts and Sfmm too during the midst of the trip.
I was just wondering about the shopping that they have in Vegas and Socal.
In Vegas, I sort of just want a nice Vegas shirt but I want the best deal. Anyone know of a good place. We'll be all around the rides (including Desperado) while we're there so does anyone know a place near them that has some good shopping. I'd like to get a nice Vegas shirt, doesn't have to be really special but Oh well. (I know their are a lot of places in Vegas that I can probably get this but I was just wondering if there was a place that has some quality tee's for low)
As for Sfmm, I don't really know if I'm going to get any shirt there.I thought maybe an X shirt but now I dought it since it most likely won't be open. I might though, and if I did, how much do you guys that live around there think it would be. I'm going to try to get an On-ride Photo of Goliath too, how much is that.....$10?
And with Knotts, how much would an On-ride Photo of Xcelerator cost?? What about a Knotts/Ghostrider/or a modern looking Xcelerator shirt cost (not one of those 50's looking ones.)
I know prolly no one will respond to this forum because I dought anyone will care. Just for the record, I'm not cheap, I'm just short on cash, lol.
Please Help if you can!
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Kara (car-uh)
665 Laps
252 in '02
BuzzCon Frequent Flyer
Proud Co-Founder of the CoasterBuzz Street Team
ST chick said:
"I was kind of wondering if the X merchandise has been pulled from the stores or not...anyone?
All of the hotels sell t-shirts, and almost every hotel has a "shopping area", although the Forum Shops at Caesar's, Venetian, Paris, etc. can be a little expensive.
If you just want a Vegas t-shirt, you can get one cheaply at any of the T-shirt shops on the strip. They are also a bit less expensive on Fremont Street downtown, someplace you'll want to visit anyway to see the Fremont Street Experience. Three full blocks is covered with a light grid, and at night there is a music and light show every hour.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Kool, I think we were going to see the Freemont Street thing anyway, not sure though. I hope to get something there. Or at some of the outlet shopping at Buffalo Bills Thanks for the Vegas tips.
About Knotts, I think I'll try to sit in the front to get the flames on the cadillac now, thanks. Just Wondering though, how long is the wait for Xcelerator on a Tuesday or Wednesday now. And how much longer would it be to wait for the front. Because we only have 6 hours there. For anyone who's ridden it, is the front the best spot, or the back. Which spot delivers the most air. I know on Hypersonic it was the front so I think it would be the same for Xcelerator but I dunno. Oh yeah, One more question about Knotts, wheres Mrs. Knotts Chicken Diner located. Is it like right in front of the park/across the street. I was hoping to go there before we go into the park.
About Sfmm, how much would a Goliath On Ride Photo be??? Does the picture look a lot better on the front of that too?? And how much should I expect a shirt to cost??
Thanks for all your help so far!
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5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force
I'm jealous of you, CoastingOhio...you are taking my dream trip...4 days in Vegas and a few in CA to visit KBF and SFMM.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
You shouldn't have a problem finding a normal Xcelerator shirt. There is a whole store full of Xcel merchandise next to the ride's entrance.
As stated above, on ride photos cost 7.00 and have a cool frame.
Just a note, which applies to most rides, sit in the front row of your car for the best picture.
Mm'kay kool. Does anyone know the kind of prices for Goliath On ride photos/Sfmm shirts. I think I'll try the front on everything I can if we have time.
Cp Lady, I didn't even tell you guys about the real purpose of the whole trip, lol. After the 4 days in Vegas, we're going to LA with a rental van and hopping on the Elation Carnival Cruise. It will be a week long and visit 3 ports on the Mexico Peninsula, lol. Then after we get off (should be around noon a week later) we'll get another rental and take it straight to Sfmm where we'll stay for one night and then pretty much the whole next day. Then we'll get back in the rental and go to Santa Monica and stay there for a night. Then we'll drive to Knotts for their after 4pm promotion and stay until close (10pm err.) Then go back to our hotel in Santa Monica and stay another night. After that, the next day will just be a day in Hollywood waiting for our flight which will be later that night.
Sorry if that dragged a little, I'm just so excited. We'll be gone from the 10th-25th, lol! This is my dream trip besides the whole Knotts thing. If it were my dream we would stay there a day but we can't with all the other things to do and my parents don't want to pay the full admission.
*** This post was edited by coastingohio on 7/5/2002. ***
*** This post was edited by rollergator on 7/5/2002. ***
I hope they have that thing up when I'm there.
Anyone know about the Goliath thing I asked 2 posts ago?? I was also wondering, if X is open, do they even have an OnRidePhoto?? How much is it if they do have one??? I'd like to get one to show my friends too if it's open. Thanks.
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5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force
coastingohio said:
"About Knotts, I think I'll try to sit in the front to get the flames on the cadillac now, thanks. Just Wondering though, how long is the wait for Xcelerator on a Tuesday or Wednesday now. And how much longer would it be to wait for the front. Because we only have 6 hours there. For anyone who's ridden it, is the front the best spot, or the back. Which spot delivers the most air. I know on Hypersonic it was the front so I think it would be the same for Xcelerator but I dunno. Oh yeah, One more question about Knotts, wheres Mrs. Knotts Chicken Diner located. Is it like right in front of the park/across the street. I was hoping to go there before we go into the park.About Sfmm, how much would a Goliath On Ride Photo be??? Does the picture look a lot better on the front of that too?? And how much should I expect a shirt to cost??
Thanks for all your help so far!
xcelerator's line should be around 20-30 minutes, 30 minutes MAX suprisingly. but, the bad news is, the front will be around 1 hour 20 minutes if the wait is about 30 minutes. you will get the best on ride photo ever, though. if you're only going to be there for 6 hours, scrap the front. ghostrider's front has a cool photo too, and the front will only add about 15 minutes or less to your wait.
Kool, I'll try to implement those into our day there.
About Knotts though, I know the chicken diner started everything but, this might sound dumb, but is it worth it? There's lines for it? It must be good, lol!
With Xcelerator, is it worth it for the front because although it would be nice, if I could get on the ride another one or two times in the amount of time I'd wait for the front unless it's absolutely stellar like how Hypersonic is in the front compared to the back. Does anyone have an on ride photo of it. I'd like to see what it looks like, doesnt necessarily have to be in the front but oh well.
Is the front worth the wait on Xcelerator!!??
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5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force
BTW, with all this help nyou owe everyone a Trip Report when you return.
Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner resturant is very good. How could a crappy resturant start a theme park? Additionally, i doubt there will be much of a line around 2:30 (it's an odd hour to eat) and you can always drop one of your party members off to wait in line (it's got a big chicken outside) while the others park the car. it's not a major line, probably less than 15 or even 10 minutes when you eat.
Ok, kool, well I'll play the front by ear and if the line looks extremely short, or anyone in my family wants to ride the front with me, then I'll go there. If not, it wont really upset me.
Alright, I'll try to write one when I get back. Expect one on these boards around the 27th or 28th considering my sisters are going to be insane checking there emails right when we get back. And the whole day the 26th we'll sleep lol. We get back to Hopkins Airport in Cleveland at around 6am. Then another 40 minute drive to get home. That whole day will be a lazy ass day where I sleep forever. I'll have to get used to Eastern time again (ugh.)
I think we're going to go to Mrs. Knotts now but I don't know how sure they are yet. My dad will get crabby at Sfmm since we're there for 2 days and I know Knotts will really wear him down. So I offfered this to my mom, and I think it would be a good idea since the chicken would get him in a better mood. I hope this trip doesn't turn out to be like all the other amusement park trips when my dad comes with us.
Last year we went to Bgw, Pkd, and Dorney and it was the best coaster trip I've ever had. So I hope it turns out to be like that one. Thanks for all your help!
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5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force
Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner Restraunt is very very good. It is a must as far as dinner goes!
Inside the park, I reccomend Ghost Town Grill if you want to enjoy a non fast food dinner inside the park. You can sit on the patio overlooking the ghost town streets. The prices are really good, pretty much the price of dinner at any normal restraunt outside the park. And the food is quite good too.
0-82 in 2.3 seconds! =Wow!
When shopping at KBF's finer outlets, use AAA and get 10% off. food too maybe?
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