Vegas 11/23-12/03

Associated parks:

This a bit off the path, but since I am going back out next month, I chose to do the attractions this time around.

Started with Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Can this place be any further away. I kept looking down at the floor for a welcome to California dotted line. Its about $15 to get in, and you get this speaker to hold that resembles a remote for the tv. Very good exhibits, including some very large sharks in the final sunken ship. Great theming. 9/10.

Did 2 IMAX shorts at Luxor. Search for the Oblisk (sp.) and the Haunted Castle. I did the Oblisk at IAAPA, but had to do it to get the package with the new Castle. Oblisk 6/10. Castle had potential, but is rough. 5/10. Its no Elvira. And what is up with the super long pre show. Just put us on.

Eiffle Tower. First time at night. 8/10. Gambling Legends of Vegas Museum at Tropicana. Lots of great historical items here. 7/10. Fremont St. Experience. Being converted over to LED display. It will be incredible to watch the Super Bowl for 4 blocks. 8/10. Saw Steve Connely as Elvis at Fitzgeralds. Loud. 8/10.

Buffet watch. Seafood Buffet at Rio bangs at $31. Huge selection. 8/10. For Thanksgiving, did the buffet at the Flamingo. More food for the holiday than you could imagine for $19. Turkey, crab legs, shrimp, prime rib, ham, and to top it off, seats overlooking waterfalls with ponds filled with swans and penguins. LIke eating at Sea World with good food. 10/10. *** Edited 12/9/2003 6:10:05 PM UTC by Agent Johnson***

Nothing like the Stardust!!!! Best property on the strip....all they need is a roller coaster and you will be in heaven! *** Edited 12/13/2003 2:44:58 AM UTC by hangingandbanging***
How did you know I love the Stardust? That is a REAL casino with REAL gambling.
Soggy's avatar
Agree about gambling at Stardust. It definately has stayed true to "Old Vegas." We have only actually stayed there once, and stayed in the old small tower. I liked the balcony, but we had a view of a wall and the roof of the casino. Not the best, but at least I could smoke my cigars out there.

I still prefer Freemont Street.

Pass da' sizzrup, bro!

Jeff's avatar
Stay at Imperial Palace some time. The people who built that in phases built is so that half of the complex faces itself!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I do so like the Burger Palace there. If I spend another $85 on my sports book account, I get a free polo shirt.
Don't forget to hit the new Jimmy Buffett joint at the Flamingo! Then cap the night off at Slots O Fun!
A little $1 Craps never hurt no one....

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