
Hey all--how are we there? I was just wondering if anybody has noticed that from time time the security guards do a very poor job of taking care of vandalism in the park. Right now, I am working on the "Ivory Towers" scenario and I have hired nearly twenty security guards yet the patrons still complain about the amount of vandalism in the park. Has anybody had the same problem and if so, how do I correct it? Thanks......

"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends"
Jeff's avatar
You have to assign them to zones or they won't pass every area frequently enough. For straight paths, about four 4x4 blue zones seems to work. For more complex paths with lots of benches (around food stands, for example), you may need more.

Webmaster/Admin -
You have to delete and replace the benches! They will not stop complaining umtil you do that!

What is life without geniuses?
I have noticed that vandalism is worse in some scenarios than others. This may be due partially to how good I am doing at others aspects of the game, but I have noticed sometimes I've had a great park with an excellent rating and it's like I got 2,000 gang members walkin around in my park. unfortunately there is no surefire prevention, excpet for what Jeff mentioned about giving all the guards a certain area to walk in. That is better than letting them stroll wherever they want, however some would argue that it takes more time than what it's worth.

quick tip: if you do give your handymen and/or guards certain footpaths, keep them out of que lines as much as possible, I have never seen anyone throw up in a que line, and I usually keep anything breakable out of them.

Vandalism is especially bad on parks that have already been opened for a while.

One time it was so bad, I had a security guard for every 4 path blocks. What really made me mad was a guest walked right up to my bench, and as soon as the security guard turned away, we broke the bench! Let's just say that I terminated that guard. No, I didn't fired him, I picked him up and let him go for a little swim if you know what I mean.
SFGAManiac, the peeps do puke and litter the queues. If your park and queues are pretty packed, press 6 on the keyboard to make the peeps invisible and scroll around the park and look. You may be surprised. I see puke and trash quite often in my lines. I used to keep them out of the queues myself, but have learned otherwise.

Most of the times I don't add benches or trash cans that way the peeps won't destroy them. I guess I have a SFA mentality.

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer

AOL & MSN IM Name: coasterpunk
that's interesting 1badgmc... I didn't know that. thanx 4 the info


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