Valleyfair (Opening Day) May 11th Rain!!

Associated parks:

Well the time is finaly over. I made it through the winter season, finaly got to ride. I only live 20minutes away from Valleyfair so since is a rainy day I decided to right a small report on Valleyfair opening day. I was only at the park for about 45minutes or so because it was rainy and cold. Couldnt ask for better weather on opening day. I would say there was only about maybe less than 1,000 people or even felt like less than 500 people in the park real slow day. I pretty much rode all the coasters and a few rides on Power Tower.

Wild Thing: Just as smooth a ride as it always has been. I did a total of 4laps. 1st 2laps was in the front seat. Then another lap in the middle along with one lap in the very back seat. The back is also fun.

High Roller: Did about 2laps total. I must say I'm not sure if the coaster got re tracking, because it's a lot smoother compaired to last year, they just nead to turn off the brakes like the old days before they added trims ;). Front by far is the best, coming around the final helix towards the station there is a trim brake real slow going back.

Excalibur: I realy only did one lap on Excalibur. Kind of funny that there wasnt anyone in the back of the park, so I got the whole train by my self.

Mad Mouse: No Laps.

Power Tower: I only did 2 rides becaue of the rain. One time going up and one time going down. I'd say going up is more funner down makes me nervous sometimes.

Corkscrew: The same only one lap in the front of course.

Despite the weather with rain & cold. Everything was pretty much open 100%. There were only a few rides closed: The Flume and Chaos was closed also Challange Park go carts wasnt open. The reason the park was empy or slow is because of the fishing opener in Mn, along with the Twins & Yankee's game plus its mothers day weekend. I'm sure well make up for it on Sunday or next weekend. I'm hopeing for good weather hasnt been good the past weeks.

Valleyfair Security 2002! 8Years working at Valleyair :)! SRM, Coastermainia CP, Kings Island June 9th, Timbers Fest. May29th-June10th less than 3weeks :)!


Thanks for the TR. I admit, I haven't seen many reports for Valleyfair. Every year I keep telling myself I will make it up that way but I never get around to doing it.


Sean: You should make it this summer. Valleyfair is one of the cleanest park's and employee's are freindly. Were a nice family park good selection of flat rides, all we need is to improve on the coaster department .

Valleyfair Security 2002! 8Years working at Valleyair ! SRM, Coastermainia CP, Kings Island June 9th, Timbers Fest. May29th-June10th less than 2weeks :)!

*** This post was edited by The Beast on 5/13/2002. ***

I'd like to get to Valleyfair sometimes this year or next. You say the park has a lot of flats? I'd like to hear what flat rides the park has. I really like parks with good ride selections.

I had a great time at Worlds of Fun this year despite the fact that they only have one really good coaster. The park has a great flat ride selection though and that made up for the lack of coasters.


Recess: Here's the list of flat rides: Chaos, Enterprise, Scrambler, Supercat, Trabaunt, Tilt A Whirl, Hydroblaster, Looping Starship, Flying Trypazie (Swing), Bumper Cars, The Monster, Northern Lights. We do have a number of flat rides also some good selection's for kiddie rides for the young ones .

Valleyfair Fan: I'm sure your going to see the small report. Could you send me your email so we can iron out a few more details for the Pennsalvania coaster trip thanks. Did you enjoy your 1st 2days working at Valleyfair?

Valleyfair Security 2002! 8Years working at Valleyair ! SRM, Coastermainia CP, Kings Island June 9th, Timbers Fest. May29th-June10th less than 3weeks !

*** This post was edited by The Beast on 5/12/2002. ***

Nice to see a ValleyFair TR. Our family will be making our first trip to ValleyFair the second week of June. Can anyone advise on the crowd potential for Thursday and Friday in June?

Take it easy,


Dale. I'd say from the past years working midnight shift's in June. Go to Valleyfair on Wed, Thurs & Friday. Fridays midnight closing's are usualy slow it has always been that way dont know why.

Valleyfair Security 2002! 8Years working at Valleyair ! SRM, Coastermainia CP, Kings Island June 9th, Timbers Fest. May29th-June10th less than 2weeks :)!

*** This post was edited by The Beast on 5/13/2002. ***

My first day of work was pretty terrible to be brutally honest. The weather was terrible. Think cold, rainy, and windy. Now, throw that in with having to stand outside in position hoping that the Flume will open up sometime during the day only to have it be closed for the day at 5:30. We never did open to the public.

Second day (aka Sunday) was much much better as Maintainence did a good job braving the weather conditions and got Flume ready to roll by 10:00. Guests were slow to jump in line of course do to the chilly weather (wasn't bad for coaster riding at 54 degrees, but people did get rides in) It was a good time though, I was at controls & the mic for most of the day so I was able to pump up the few brave souls that rode that day. We ended up closing at 7 due to very slow traffic on the line. (I believe we had four people from 5 to 7)

After I got out early for the flume I was able to catch a ride on High Roller (just me and another guy from Flume in the back seat), which The Beast mentioned, was running really well. I didn't get a ride in on Ex as I thought it was closed for the night (it wasn't, just dead). Went over and caught a walk on front seat ride on Wild Thing which was only running one train. And then I ended the night on three rides on Corkscrew, which I think is extremely smooth considering its manufacturer and how old it is.

BTW my email address is still

Flume & Hydroblaster Crew for 2002!

Dale Caskey said:

Our family will be making our first trip to ValleyFair the second week of June. Can anyone advise on the crowd potential for Thursday and Friday in June?

Hmmmm......either very, very good or very, very bad.

If you mean the same weekend I'll be out for the 'Playa 100(week of 6/2/02), not very good. Those would likely be 'student days', loaded with line-clogging, misbehaving, profanity-screaming rugrats.

If you mean the following week (week of 6/9/02), very good. The kids will behave much better with Mommy and Daddy around--but odds are Mommy won't bring them because they just went with their classmates two weeks earlier.

By that time, I should also be back in town and strolling the paths with CBaby and Da Midget.


Coming 6/6/02--the CoastaPlaya 100!
Check Meeting Calendar for details...

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 5/13/2002. ***

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