Valleyfair announces Renegade for 2007, a GCI wooden coaster that features over 3,000 feet of track and a height of 104 feet.
Read more, see video from Valleyfair.
I keep running the thought through my head of GCII building at WOF before Coaster Con is there in 2008.
In any case, congrats to the Valleyfair! fans. Renegade will undoubtedly kick butter!
(That's one :) for every Coaster I was able to ride because of an Overbooked Flight Compensation!)
- Aaron K
I like that GCI is mixing more out-and-back elements into their designs.
Exactly. And that is why I said that, to me, this looks like it could be GCI's greatest to date. Not declaring it the number one coaster before it was built... just saying that it looks like it could be a true work of art and a truely great coaster. And hey... Mellinium Flyer Trains! Those things could jump the track, go crashing over a cliff, hitting every single rock on the way down and, while being an intense ride and brutal ride, it would still be done in comfort.
And even more excited to see it's brother at Dorney in '08 ;)
Mark Cuban, may be a MFFL (Mavs fan for life)....but he's also a MFL (maverick for life).
Maybe it's just that CF can be the NBA league, and that SFI will stick with the NFL? It's MY time now, pro sports and parks ARE merging... :)
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