ValleyFair! 6/15/04

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Mamoosh's avatar
Thought I'd post this for SteelVenom07 since he's busy at the moment.



I got to the park at around 1 ish with my best friend. Crowds looked about normal for this time of year, the parking lot was only about half way full.

As soon as we got through the gate we headed over to Steel Venom. My friend, Matt, is'nt a roller coaster buff like I am, but enjoys them. After about a 10 min. wait we got on. Always better in the back of the train if you ask me. After SV we made are way over to PowerTower. Then on to Wild Thing. They started the KDWB Wild Thing Survivor thing that day, so that took up one of the trains. Got one ride on that and then went to meet my other friends at the front gate. It was about 230 now so we went to go get something to eat. 2 dollars for one small piece of chicken, thats crazy.

My other friends wanted to go on Steel Venom again, so I was happy about that. Got on SV 7 more times through out the day. Then they went on Chaos. I reeeeaalllly hate this ride. Not to mention it killed like 8 people at another park. After them going on it twice we went to the back of the park with pit stops at PowerTower and Wild Thing. We noticed that Wild Thing was stuck on the lift. We got in line but then quickly exited the line after being informed that they would do 20 minutes of test runs after they got it working. Went on the pirate ship, then to Exalibur.

Exalibur was rough as always, but was descent. My friends all wanted to go on Antique Autos for some odd reason, so they went on that while I went on the closest roller coaster that I could find, Corkscrew. What a piece of crap. Then I forced my friends into trying out the new Rockin' Tug. It was actually pretty good. Since it was right next to High Roller, we went on it. I have never been a fan of this wooden coaster, but it surprised me with the really good airtime it gave on the first hill and the bunny hops. It was about 830 at this point and we decided to go do one more lap on SV, WT, and PT before leaving. All in all, a pretty good day.

Bravo! Much more like it! Now THAT'S a TR!

The simplicity, yet profundity of statements such as these...

Mamoosh said:
Exalibur was rough as always, but was descent.

Yes, my friend, yes. Coasters often do have descents, but why? What are their hidden meanings? A statement on the unpredictable intricacies of life? A mechanical Sisyphus never intended to remain at its apex? It demands of us the question, Why? Why? Why?

Deep, pithy words to chew on. And carefully spit the seeds from. And chew yet more.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Whats a sisyphus? Is that even a word?

Very good trip report Moosh, although it sounds kinda like SteelVenom07's? Maybe you guys just have a lot in common ;)

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

ROFL.... thanks Moosh, you made me laugh today.
I can't believe Jeff hasn't cut this crap out yet, but funny while it lasts.
rollergator's avatar
Sisyphus was a mythological figure whose (Herculean) "task" was to roll a large stone up a hill....only to have it roll back down again....or at least, that's the best of my recollection without going through the effort to look him up...

Of course, I wanna know HOW Matthew knows that there will be no major cap-exes for Valley(Un)Fair! within the next 25 years or case of utter conusion, see other TR...I always knew he had "inside sources"...:)

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