
Valleyfairzone recently shut down their website so I thought I'd post a thread here.

It's been seven years since Renegade, the last major roller-coaster and thrill ride so there has been much hope for something new. Largely an invert at the front of the park... but some have been calling for a Maverick type installation.

Anyone frequent Valleyfair? Is it your home park? I go to most Cedar Fair Parks (haven't been to Knott's or California's Great America) and I think Valleyfair is the nicest simply because of it's upkeep and botany/landscaping. Everything is fresh and inviting everywhere you look. 10 years ago that wasn't really the story but today it's great. It's a bit smaller it's very nice and well managed. I'm proud of my home park :)

ApolloAndy's avatar

I've never been, but you do bring up a good point: How has Valleyfair avoided getting a full circuit invert?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Sounds like Charmland to me, So it probably don't need anything for a few more years :)

rollergator's avatar

ApolloAndy said:

I've never been, but you do bring up a good point: How has Valleyfair avoided getting a full circuit invert?

Apparently CF worked out an agreeable deal with the folks at Santa Clara, and the one we *expected* to become available is now staying put. The good news is I'd very much bet on a custom design for the VF invert (viewing Banshee, Talon, Silver Bullet, and Patriot as predictive).

sirloindude's avatar

Frankly, I think it's great that Flight Deck is staying put. It adds one more reason to even visit CGA and it hopefully means a population increase for inverts when Valleyfair! (hopefully) gets one.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

sws's avatar

Valleyfair has been patiently waiting for their invert for years. Hopefully, it will happen in the near future. I'm guessing 2015 or 17, as possibilities. The last few additions to the park include:

Renegade 2007

Breaker's Bay 2009

Planet Snoopy 2011

Dinosaur's Alive 2013

Thus the last six years have seen family style additions. Hopefully a new invert will follow. I have to admit that I was selfishly watching the developments in Santa Clara, wondering if that would be the origin of the invert. With Banshee's announcement, I wondered if that could signal an additional invert for Valleyfair. The $24 million price tag makes a Banshee-like invert highly unlikely. Since the park opened in 1976, their total capital expenditures has been $96 million. Thus a Banshee price tag seems unlikely. Wild Thing cost $14 million in 1996. Thus a slightly less expensive invert like the ones Gator mentioned might be possible.

Hopefully, a new invert is in Valleyfair's future. I just hope that 2015 doesn't bring a broken-down, unwanted Windseeker, a la Dorney.

sirloindude's avatar

I'm beginning to think I'm the only Coasterbuzzer who can't get enough WindSeeker action. It's the only non-coaster ride I always ride when I'm at a park that has one.

On the subject of a Valleyfair! invert, I would love to see the park get one. I confess to being less than impressed with Valleyfair! (though the Dickey's BBQ Pit was a sight for sore eyes). It just didn't have anything that completely blew me away, despite valiant efforts on the part of Renegade, Wild Thing, and Steel Venom. It needs a modern steel looper, and B&M inverts are always a good choice.

Last edited by sirloindude,

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

sws's avatar

I have to agree with the "meh" factor. It's a nice park and I've always had a fun time when I've gone, but there's nothing making me die to get there again, in spite of it being a 20-minute drive from my home. I had season passes the last 2 years but didn't activate them until mid-late summer. Went to the park more from the point of view of "I bought this season pass, I'd better use it." Still had fun but there was nothing compelling me to keep returning. A lot of it has to do with the "been there/done that" mentality of small home parks. Hopefully, that will change.

rollergator's avatar

High Roller could really be a fabulous wooden coaster...loads of potential there.

Worlds of Fun has somewhat similar attendance as VF and CF installed Patriot there. I would expect something similar, or maybe even a little bigger

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!

I would want a Talon clone. It's my favorite invert, although Patriot is nearly the same it doesn't have the perfect snaps at the tops of the inversions and elements like Talon. It's the one time I'd be alright with a clone.

Valleyfair installed Extreme Swing, Steel Venom and Renegade all in 4 years. The last of which was 7 seasons ago, so it feels like time for a new coaster or thrill ride. I would have thought there would have been indications by now though if it was in store for 2014.

DaveStroem's avatar

This is just pondering on the keyboard, but I am wondering if Excelerator at Knott's might be on the list to be moved?

It has snapped another cable recently and I wonder if California might not let them re-open it if they can't figure out a safer system. I have heard that the Knott's Windseeker will be moved to WOW for this same reason.

Again, this is just thinking out loud and has no basis on anything.

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

bjames's avatar

^I doubt Xcelerator would be moved, it would likely just be scrapped or sold to some foreign park somewhere.

Hopefully Valleyfair's invert will be more Talon and less Patriot.

I've been to Valleyfair! twice, several years apart. I thought the park was pretty enough, but the older left-over sections seemed odd in terms of ride placement and the newer sections were pretty much void of charm. That front area that has the impulse and a few flats seemed so like a parking lot addition afterthought.

I enjoyed the rides there, but each one seemed like a lesser version of one that exists somewhere else. Wild Thing is probably my least favorite of that type, Excalibur was quirky but I like Gemini better, Renegade was ok, but didn't stack up to, say, Dolly's ride, etc etc. I agree with Mr. Gator that High Roller could be fabulous, but they would need to let it run full out. The trains, the odd layout, and the old school station make that ride a keeper, if nothing else. I agree that a compact invert would be just what the doctor ordered. They'll never see the likes of something like Banshee or Raptor but a smaller ride like Talon or Patriot would do just fine and be in keeping with the rest of the inventory.

Valleyfair! was Cedar Fair's first venture into park adopting, many years ago now. It's easy to note, even now, the differences between the new and the old, and the stamp that CF put on the park.

For some reason I want to lump parks like VF, Michigan's Adventure, and Des Moines' Adventureland all into the same category. They all seem to have the same vibe, or something, and are just right in size and thrills for the market they serve.

P.S. sirloindude, can I go with you? I'm the one at the park who stamps his feet and screams "Windseeker! Windseeker!" while my friends just roll their eyes at me. I find it thrilling and scary, in fact I border on panic sometimes, but I insist on riding it every time I find one actually operating somewhere.

sirloindude's avatar

RCMAC, you're always welcome to join me on a WindSeeker. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who really enjoys them after all.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

I have to respond to your comments RCMAC, I had a thought about each one it seemed.

"The older left over sections" have all been renovated, mostly with pavers, with exception of the front of the park right of the entrance where I'm hoping for the invert.

"The front area that has the impulse.. seems like a parking lot addition afterthought" That impulse and midway was to connect and include what was once a separate challenge park type location.

I like Excalibur better than Gemini and I have ride pride from operating Gemini. Just because of it's quirkiness.

Renegade is by far better than Dolly's GCI. Renegade has a unique twisting drop, two great floater hills and that full throttle and progressive pacing I like so much.

Everyone agrees High Roller would be better without the trims. But it still makes me smile.

It does have a similar vibe as the parks you mentioned. Very easy going and almost meek but that works well for a home park.

I also agree about the Windseekers, they're fun.

Valleyfair is my home park I'm only a few miles away. The perfect spot were I can see Valleyfair putting a B&M inverted would be in the picnic cove area large enough space. Is there a new picnic area over by were challenge park use to be? If that's the new picnic area what are they using the old picnic grounds for? That's the one spot were they could put the B&M inverted. Also wasn't Cedar Fair going to get rid of the old arrow corkscrews? And if Valleyfair were to get rid of there corkscrew they can replace it and put a inverted in the same location.

bjames's avatar

I've not heard that Cedar Fair had plans to remove its old corkscrews, but it probably is not far off.

Valleyfair is a weird park, it's like really long and skinny. They really need another midway to the north to expand the park that way. Also, what's up with that weird dome/arena they've got in their waterpark? I've never been there but to me it really screws up the GP traffic to the western part of the park. IMO they should take better advantage of that river they've got to the north of the park, that's prime B&M coaster track land.

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