USDA cites pet farm vendor that operates at Cedar Point

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

The United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service handed three citations to Sandy Powell, founder and owner of Honey Hill Farm, a mobile petting zoo company that operates in amusement parks. A report says that a guest released camels from their enclosure at the park, allowing them to enter the midway on June 11.

Read more from WOIO/Cleveland.

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eightdotthree's avatar

Gee. I wonder who entered the barn to release the animals. Couldn’t be a PETA activist could it? Nah.

Regardless, the pens should be padlocked. If you can't trust people to not go into active coaster areas you shouldn't trust them to not open doors to animals either.

Jeff's avatar

Getting some dumb opinion of a PETA person added exactly nothing to the story.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

In a statement released to 19 News, PETA Foundation Senior Director of Captive Animal Welfare Debbie Metzler said the foundation is calling on federal authorities to hold Honey Hill Farm accountable for failing to protect the animals and members of the public

from PETA.

Bakeman31092's avatar

protect the animals and members of the public [emphasis mine]

At least they're acknowledging concern for humans now. That's progress.

LostKause's avatar

We have a really stupid PETA billboard here in Huntington. It shows two cows with a black background. It reads...

"Give independence to all. Choose vegan hot dogs."

Google it if you want to see it. It's ridiculous.

PETA gets involved in things they have no business getting involved with. They pretty much ruined one of my family members life. I don't want to tell the story, but PETA can eff off.

Vegan hot dogs cost Joey Chestnut a chance at defending his title. What more evidence do you need to know they are bad? LOL

Bakeman31092's avatar

The really sad thing is that the organization has become such a self-parody that their core message gets lost, even though it’s a cause that most people would get behind were it not for the extremism.

99er's avatar


Regardless, the pens should be padlocked

Before they outsourced Pet Farm to this vendor, it was under lock and key when Operations ran it. All of the animals were moved into the barn after closing and the barn was locked, and the pens inside were locked as well. The perimeter fence around the farm was also locked. I think the only animals that might not have been moved into the barn in the evening were the cows. But they had their own pen back towards Thunder Canyon so you still would have had 2 to 3 locked gates between them and the Frontier Trail.


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