US Captures Amusement Park

This morning NBC reported that the US's latest drive into Baghdad captured not only one of Sadam's palaces, but also and adjacent zoo and amusement park.

Unfortunately, the park is not listed on rcdb. Does anyone know if it has a coaster?

Mamoosh's avatar
From my understanding CNN reported that it was a zoo and park near the parade grounds, not an amusement park.

"God bless Atheists!" - Homer Simpson

Iraq 'borrowed' several rides when they occupied Kuwait during that 1990-91 gig.

They do have several parks in the country.

The Empire will Strike Back....
"What do I know, I only work in an Amusement Park?"
"You are paying to get in. Period."

Well I guess SF could always build one: just check out the following quote from Fox News.

"Troops stormed Saddam's newest presidential palace and set up a prisoner of war holding pen. The ruling Baath Party headquarters was destroyed.

The main palace building was flooded, parts were destroyed by cruise missiles or laser-guided bombs and palace curtains were strewn over the ground.

"This used to be a nice place. They should make it like a Six Flags, or something," said Spc. Robert Blake of State College, Pa."

I'm sure many of you can make good of the above quote. It USED to be a nice place.

Edit: Formatting

Let the good times roll - Zingo
*** This post was edited by Zingo 4/7/2003 1:07:15 PM ***

Kick The Sky's avatar
Here is a link to the story...,5478,6238592^663,00.html

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 25 pounds since 1-1-2003

If I don't say it someone else will... Considering that nearly every public building over there if named after him, who would be surprised to find "Saddam: The Ride" at their local park? ;)

EDIT: did they really call it Saddamland? If so, that is better than anything I could come up with!

The Trip: CP, SFWoA, PKI, KW, HW, IB, SFGAm, MiA and LeSourdsville too.
8 Days- 10 parks. May 2003

*** This post was edited by CoasterFanMatt 4/7/2003 1:57:11 PM ***

Dare I suggest a Vekoma SLC or a Premier with OTSRs as appropriate for "Saddam the Ride". They are certainly torture devices.
janfrederick's avatar
Snicker.... :)

"Know thyself!"

Kick The Sky's avatar
Actually, I think that was where Shockwave from SFGAm was slated to go...

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 25 pounds since 1-1-2003

Which half of it, "Shock" or "Wave"? I forget which half was destined for SFAW.
Finally, we get to securing the important stuff :)

Please visit the small parks. We don't know what's happening behind the scenes

rollergator's avatar
SFAW....Saddam's Freakin' Amusement World???

I guess we know now where ARN&R's Pulverizor was going....;)

The most popular *non-ride amusement*....the dunking booth called "Drown the Dictator"...

And I guess it's imperative that I throw something in about *Capturing the (Six) Flags*...

I guess once the new regime is established...Iraq's "King of Amusements" (old news article) can bring the people of Iraq something to smile about for the first time in a long while....
Dr. Thrill IS my family practitioner
Hey look, gator finally posted a TR...;)

Hmm.. the US now owns an amusement park there? Maybe we'll see a Six Flags Baghdad in the future. ;)

Tales for the L33t

I think it is great for Iraq. Give the coaters back to Iraqs people


TOP THRILL DRAGSTER I await your coming

see you on may 4

I think I heard that Peter Arnett (formerly of CNN... formerly of NBC) said that "This is the best amusement park ever created. It certainly is better than anything in the United States or Great Britian. This ranks right along side of Six Flags Kabul..."

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

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