Uploading Help

Hi everyone. I have just tried twice to upload a saved game of mine onto the games database, but each time after the reading the terms and clicking that i understand and to proceed, it just takes me to a page blank error thing. Is there something special i need to put in to make it work? And yes i am a CBCLUB member. All help would be great. Thanks.


I just tried again and could not again get it to work.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
How large is the file you're trying to upload?

Like 5.06 MB. Is that too much?
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yes, that would probably be the problem. I think the limit is 4MB.

So what needs removed to cut down to 4, like scenery or rides? (which takes up most)

thanks again

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Aurora University Golf

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Do you have peeps in it?

You may also try modifying your screenshot to make it smaller. I think that is included in your 4 meg budget.

Fate is the path of least resistance.

if it's 5 meg it either got loads of peeps in it or ten tonnes of fancy custom scenery :o
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Don't those goofy Amazing Earl custom rides take up a ridiculous amount of space too?

Ok yes parks have peeps and both use those goofy amazing earl rides :) So loose the peeps and I'm good?

Wanna go for a Ride?
Aurora University Golf

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Probably not, those Earl rides use a ton of space. That's what's killing you.

I just checked my saved games folder and the biggest file I ever made is only 3.5MB and that's because it's entirely custom scenery.

I'm guessing it's the Amazing Earl rides that are making the file so big.

Thanks LG, im gonna work hard to get it to work right here and see what happens.

Wanna go for a Ride?
Aurora University Golf

so how can i now delete the amazing earl files from my ssaved games without having to start all over with it?

Wanna go for a Ride?
Aurora University Golf

i have it down to 4.5 but i dont know how to delete the amazing earl rides from my saved game altogether...please help.

Wanna go for a Ride?
Aurora University Golf

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I believe the only way to do it is:

1. Open the scenario editor.

2. Load the saved game into the scenario editor.

3. Remove the problem rides from the checklist.

4. Save as a scenario.

5. Load the newly saved scenario and replace all the rides.

It's a pain, but I think it's the only solution.

Well LG i kinda already tried that and the stupid editor left all of my rides in, i dont know why....but is there a way i could delete the ride files from my obj data and thus not have the rides if i delete those rides from being used in the scenario? Hope that wasnt to confusing...thanks

Wanna go for a Ride?
Aurora University Golf

Yes it was. If you did what master said it should work ;)

Fate is the path of least resistance.

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