Haunted houses:
Carn-evil-- A 3D adventure through a circus of insane and killer clowns. - Game Warehouse
Mangler Aslyum-- An institute for the insane!!!- Bumper Car Building.
Lair of the Vampire-- A walk in the cave with many blood thirsty Vampires!!!-Hi-Test Arcade
Scare Zones:
Blood Creek Cemetary-- A bunch of dead people walking around from monster(the ride), to the little bridge by the ferris wheel.
I'm going this October so I'll post pics. Thanks.
Pirates Crimmsin chinn(or something like that?)- A bunch of dead and scary pirates who want to kill you.
--over by the waterpark, Looping Starship, Mad Mouse etc.
As far as rides that are going to be open, all they said SO FAR was Xtreme Swing, and Power Tower. Sounds like it's going to be awesome.
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