Sokeman said: "The Farm is their only year-round park after all… regardless of the small stature and building restrictions."
Y'know... Knott's doesn't face many restrictions. More internal really. The only problem with the neighbors is the noise.... fill the rails with sand and you're set. That's why they ran Windjammer recently, to make sure that what they're installing will not be louder than Windjammer (since it was at the upper levels of the EIR's sound restrictions). Apart from those issues, they are allowed to build ANYTHING they want, as tall as they want (within FAA guidelines of course). The city has no choice but to approve anything that falls withing the acceptable standards of the Environmental Impact Report for the area. If you don't believe me, go read Buena Park's zoning laws for the AR zone.
As for next year's coaster, I only know that it's an Intamin. That much has been confirmed to me by some very reliable people in Management at Knott's. But they told me that basically nobody knows what Knott's is installing right now other than Jack Falfas (good luck getting him to say anything) and the rest of Cedar Fair's upper management. However, the idea of an Intamin flyer would be fun. The idea of a B&M flyer is even more fun though...