A Florida theme park is apologizing to a St. John's woman who was told to cover up while she breastfed her daughter or leave the premises. She was approached by park security officers and asked to stop. A park spokesperson apologized and said they have no policy against breast feeding.
Read more from The CBC.
I like what some places have/do, they offer a private, quiet setting to nurse and direct people to there instead of yelling at them or such.
They have made a fuss about it here in Charleston several times. I mean who cares? She's feeding her baby! Get over it.
I mean it's just a BOOB! Are some people THAT immature that they have to make a fuss? I mean come on, GROW UP! It goes BEYOND repression. It's just ignorance.
*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 11/3/2007 4:17:19 PM ***
Heaven forbid some of you guys see something really horrific like a disabled person using crutches in public - they should be locked away from public view. Or exterminated - maybe that'd make y'all feel better ;)
-Jimvy! (he's baaaaack...)
ps - Jeff, LOL @ lactivists! Brill!
*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 11/3/2007 4:34:49 PM ***
Personally I can take the moral high ground here. Well at least when it comes to girly breasts - a nice pair of pecs is another matter ;)
Now if they'd tried feeding on a Rotor or Round-Up, that'd be a totally differant thing.
and yes, I saw a woman with a baby strapped to her at a fair several years ago riding rides...
I didn't see anyone in this entire thread say they were "appalled" or "hysterically outraged" by the woman breastfeeding in public. No one said she shouldn't be allowed to do it either. They were just saying the woman should have some couth and covered up a little. It's as simple as that. You guys can pull the right-wing Christian group or sexually repressed weirdo cards all you want. But, you're the ones blowing it out of proportion.
Some people respect others and some people don't. I'm pretty sure it comes down to that.
Some people respect others and some people don't. I'm pretty sure it comes down to that.
Agreed. So, why not just respect a woman's right to feed her child...
...even if you might have to see a boobie in the process. :)
Well I think the same principal could apply here, If she brought enough for everyone then whats the problem.
One of those things, yeah, probably, if they think that breast feeding is something that requires "discretion" or "tact." It's breast feeding, not public defecation.
So, when people expect others to use discretion and tact when in public, they're automatically "repressed, fanatical, sick, immature, ignorant, sexually repressed and emotionally insecure"?
That's where the real disconnect here is. What about breast feeding is offensive that women shouldn't do it in a public place? I've yet to see anyone explain that.
But hey, I'm one of a few who believes infants of that age don't need to be brought to places like Universal in the first place.
If nudity is the problem, why? I can walk around shirtless as a man, and many overweight men have larger breasts than "athletic" women. To me, that's gross.
But at what point do you stop demoninzing the naked form? A lot of tribal cultures still walk around half-naked. Why do we consider that so "uncivilized?" It's like we're stuck in 18th century Europe or something.
Quite frankly, I think having laws against indecent exposure that entail my walking around without my shirt being against the law unless I am breast feeding a child is extremely incongruent. The laws passed to protect a woman's right to breast feed in public were created to encourage a social acceptance of it. But it's hard to get my head around the idea that a naked breast is only acceptable if a child is nursing on it.
I believe getting right about that is the place to start for the cultural changes you suggest.
Jeff said:
Well if people aren't saying they shouldn't do it in a public place, then why are they saying anything?
halltd said:
Unlike the intro to this news story, the woman was not asked to stop breast feeding. She was simply asked to cover up.
Jeff said:
If nudity is the problem, why? I can walk around shirtless as a man...
As far as I know, you're not allowed to walk around Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure without a shirt.
to others: Have you actually ever seen a woman breastfeeding? I know in my case it jars me for a second and then I think to myself, how wonderful, how amazing, what courage it must take to do the right thing and feed a child naturally. Try to find a secluded spot at Universal/IOA... they don't exist.
Stop Staring.
My wife has never had a problem breastfeeding in the parks or other public places we go. I don't know what this lady was doing, but the response by Universal--surrounding her with security, makes you wonder if they have a clue about the world we live in. Someone in that pack of employees should have realized the in-your-face breastfeeding zealots would make this public and put them in their place. Apparently this hasn't made it into sensitivity training yet.
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