Ultra Coaster 3D

Jephry's avatar
I wasn't quite sure where to put this since there is no real forum for it, but I wanted to know if anyone still had this game. I purchased it a long time ago when it was briefly popular and had a pretty good time with it. But since then, I've formatted my hard drive and lost the full file. Anyone still have it?
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Oh man...

I have it burned onto a CD somewhere I'll see if I can find it.

I remember downloading different skins and models for the cars. I think when I last played that game I had Magnum style cars.

For those who don't know Ultra Coaster 3D, think of a basic version of No Limits, you can only create one kind of coaster, and no supports can be added. Making the track is very similar to No Limits if I remember correctly, you had to set control points and then adjust how long the point stretches, the height, x, y, and banking.

I kind of liked it, but No Limits won me over.

~Rob Willi

It sounds to me as if I had that once before. Does anyone know when or around that year it was released ? *** Edited 3/3/2005 6:20:28 PM UTC by DC2Beltz3***

I remember purchasing it in the fall of 2000, about a month before X and Deja Vu were announced. It sure was a fun program for it's time. *** Edited 3/3/2005 7:14:12 PM UTC by SONiC Senshi***

I remember that program. Its been a long time since I've touched it, lol. I still like NoLimits better!
Jephry's avatar
It was a cool little game. I remember there was another 3D game out before NoLimits came along. You could only buy it online though. At any rate, Ultra Coaster 3D was a great game at the time because it allowed you to create and ride your roller coaster without the expensive equipment.
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Bad news Jephry,

No dice on finding the CD, which is too bad, I felt like busting it out again. The last time I played it, it ran choppy on my Pentium 90 and 8MB TNT video card. I can only imagine what it would do on my Athlon XP 2700+ and 128MB Radeon 9200.

My how things have changed...

well, if you download a demo, it plays like a dream....no flaws whatsoever, smooth as snot, lol!

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