Ugliest Roller Coaster

beast7369's avatar
Now as for the ugliest coaster out there.....hmmm...that has gotta be Typhoon at Santa's Village in Dundee, IL.
Who cares how ugly if the ride is good?
Raptor is pretty ugly but it's a beaut compared to Mantis!

I really can't get into the looks of any B&M
The Chiller is a killer looking coaster. The look of it is intense just like the ride is.
The track of Nemisis is ugly. It's white and almost looks rotted. But maybe it's meant to be that way. The theming is excellent though.

Man, I wish I lived there. You have Kings Island, Cedar Point, Six Flags...Oh, right! I do live here. :) Ohio, The Heart of...Everything!
I haven't seen it in person, but from the video I've seen I'd have to say Volcano is the ugliest coaster. It looks like it's still under construction. Mantis has the worst colors though.

"I'm not crazy, I just don't give a darn."
I think Mantis's colors are sweet. It looked a lot better when it was new, because the paint has faded. But in a year or 2 it will look as good as new.
How aboot The Villain? What's up w/ the steel supports? Or any CCI that has steel supports for that matter. Vortex at King's Island is pretty ugly because they haven't painted it forever.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"
Steel supports on wooden coasters is nothing new. The good old CI Cyclone has steel supports. :)
I don't like the fake wood look on CA Screamin. IMO the ugliest looking coaster is Nitro. It has the top of the spin and the track pink, rest of the spine s bright yellow, and supports blue. I would like it if it was just yellow and blue without the painted tracks or two tone spine. Also the cars from the IAAPA just add to my dislike of the colors. Those things are just plain ugly!!!

"This time I think ... I think It's ... going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner
Yes, I love Saviour Machine, they're my favorite band. I didn't think anyone would know about this band on this website. Very cool! Anyway, I tend to think that the Volcano Launch Coaster looks kind of ugly, although I never saw it in a picture.
I saw pictures of KONG at SFMW, and the color scheme for that is awful!

Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood
i think widjammers cars are very pitiful. i think the ugliest coaster is la vibora. I dont really like the yellow black and red. When i first saw talons color scheme i was like "WHOA" wat drug are you on. Then I got used to them.
Raptor and Mantis? Ugly??? I think they're the 2 most beautiful B&M coasters around.

Who ever thought of Raptor's color scheme was a has such a summer feel too it. The only coaster that compares as far as beautiful is Kumba and Busch Gardens Tampa, and maybe Talon at Dorney...we'll have to wait 'till it's finished though.

bcdzoom said:
"The track of Nemisis is ugly. It's white and almost looks rotted. But maybe it's meant to be that way.

Nemesis is supposed to look that way, and it fits the theme perfectly. I love that ride. As for woodies with steel supports, I totally agree. Its a disgrace to see an excellent woodie such as the villain, with those plain steel supports. Though steel supports are there only for space matters, if I was GM of a park, there is no way I'd have that in my park.
Ride Op
Magnum XL-200 - '01 *** This post was edited by rOLLocOASt on 1/29/2001. ***
Oh, I see rOLLorcOASt. Don't include my last sentence-"the theming is excellent though." ;)

Man, I wish I lived there. You have Kings Island, Cedar Point, Six Flags...Oh, right! I do live here. :) Ohio, The Heart of...Everything! *** This post was edited by bdczoom on 1/29/2001. ***
I think Superan The Escape is ugly. There is just something about it that makes it ugly to me

May The G-Forces Be With You...Me!
I think Raptor is ugly with that pink on the trains. I also don't like the green track and supports. IMO it should have either the track or supports green but not both.

Jack, who can't wait for Opening Day 2001...
I hope B&M makes more coasters following the great examples of the Dragons and Montu. Excellent all around ride, theming, trains and track.
The Joker's Return or Revenge, can't remember the name. Looks pretty sad.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually

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