I have a problem with floorless coasters. I CAN'T DO THEM!! I'm great at twisters but I just can't seem to make floorless coasters like the twisters. Please help. *** Edited 6/10/2005 5:22:47 PM UTC by Tycoontitan*** *** Edited 6/10/2005 6:12:23 PM UTC by Tycoontitan***
both floorless and twister are some of the easiest coasters to build with. Would you be using RCT2 or RCT3?
they pretty much have the same building options. so it shouldn't be any different from building a twister.
I seem to think with RCT3 its easier, because they give so much more options but once you learn, you can go back to rct2 and build one just as good. Its very simple. The only thing differant are the trains really.