Twisted Sisters and SFKK

I rode Twisted Sisters for the first time this past weekend, after Stark Raven Mad. This (these) coasters were great! I haven't heard much about Stella and Lola much at all. They were fast, had air time and lotsa laterals. The couple fly-bys were cool too. A little short, but great! What does everyone else think?

On the other hand, I thought SFKK as a whole really wasn't with it. Thunder Run was great, but they re-did a long section of what used to be a hill and wicked double-up. It's like a large ramp now, but the ride still kicks. I saw employees yelling at kids, etc. They need better employee training at this park. The bathrooms also closed promply at 9pm with the rides! Couldn't go pee on the way to my car! The ride ops were rude and slow (and closed Chang before 9pm).

But my point is that I loved Twisted Sisters! Which is Stella and which is Lola?
Twisted Sisters was my third favorite coaster at SFKK(which isn't saying much) and by far my least fave CCI. I thought the ride was fairly tame, a little slow, and more along the lines of a family coaster. I was really disappointed by my first rides last Saturday but still had fun. On the other hand, Thunder Run was an outstanding surprise and the best feature at the park. The park isn't great but I enjoyed myself. I even shocked myself by actually enjoying the last seat...with no bang, and it had airtime. :) Many ride ops did seem a little rude. The park looked nice and fairly clean though. I would rate the day a 6.75 thanks to TR and T2.

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coasterbill73 said:
"Which is Stella and which is Lola?"

Man, that's the $64,000 question! I didn't even see the other side until I got on the platform. No signs, arrows, or directions of any kind.
The whole park is poorly marked.

The sisters rode pretty good, but I could only muster a couple rides - the bruises on my legs from the Legend told me to go ride anything without Gerstluaer trains. So over to Thunder Run and the PTC bruises showed up!
I was disappointed by the duelling aspect. There are only 2 passes, i thought it would have more......Also the coasters come to a screaming halt at the brakes at the end, seems like a huge waste of speed, and is a huge jerk on the body. Thunder Run also comes to a halt like that.....

Thunder Run would be great coaster if longer. Great airtime, the low running high banked curves are cool. Both coasters need an additional train running, especially Thunder Run.

Chang would be better as floorless, as any standup would. Its just not fun standing up, the novelty is over.

T2 has confirmed my dislike for Vekoma.....
The pink side is Lola, the green side is Stella. Different layouts, but offered basically the same ride. I agree with Koaster King, it came across more like a family ride, like a wooden mine train: not the intense coaster experience we've come to expect from CCI. It's a neat idea, just not executed as well as it could have been done. The park must not keep the trains in good shape either, did you hear all the squealing? Hard to believe the same outfit that built Raven and Legend built this.

Thunder Run, while very short, blows Twisted Sisters out of the water. Fast, intense, and throw-you-out-of-your-seat wild. It's nice to finally come across a Summers and Dinn coaster that hasn't been braked to death.
Twisted Sisters both definitely need a fair amount of maintenance. A good lubrication job would help a lot, for one thing. I also noted a lot of weeds growing around the rides, even sprouting FROM the lift hill of Stella!

I enjoyed them, but thought Thunder Run was much better. All the woodies blew Chang and T2 (ESPECIALLY T2, how I hate hang-n-bangs) out of the water, though.

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 5/16/2001. ***
I wasn't to impressed with the Sisters. The drops were good, and I liked the entrance sign. I thought they could have used the flyby over the entrance as a great picture op. Thunder Run was awesome. Great Everything.

SFKK Coaster Ranking
1. Chang
2. Thunder Run
3. T2
4. Roadrunner Express
5. Twisted Sisters

I was incredibly disappointed by Chang. After an hour and a half wait, I finally get a ride in the back row, and the entire ride minus the little banked turn at the top was very slow, poorly paced and downright boring IMO. And the add to that, it hurt a little bit. Speed that sucker up and add some floorless trains. Then I'll take it for another spin. I rate the rides:

1)Thunder Run
3)Twisted Sisters
5)Roadrunner Express

This park is in desperate need of another coaster soon. I think a (junior?)hyper by Intamin like SROS would be really cool.

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I still liked it :> It would be great if we got a bigger and longer version of this at Great America (hmmm... get rid of Shockwave!). I wonder how Gwazi compares to TSisters? (Besides being all wood).

I really thought Chang had a great layout, but like most B&M standups, is rough in a bad way. The only standup that I really like is Riddler's Revenge, wonder if that one's getting rough? B&M should offer a conversion from stand-ups to floorless (even sit-down would be alot better!)

Does anyone remember the hill then double-up on Thunder Run the first few years it ran? This double up was hilarious! It was bound to go eventually (like the big one on the Texas Giant) since it was pretty wild.
First of all, Twisted Sisters was designed to be a family ride. they were fairly upfront about this when the ride was announced.

Second, the sisters used to be A LOT better back when their maintenence was so horrid.

Third, Thunder Run rox my sox. I still like it a lot.

4th, Chang is the worst B&M in history. Even worse than Hulk and B:KF, which, for me, is saying a lot. Not a good ride.

I HATE CHANG!!!! ITS TERRIBLE!! (No really how do I feel? lol)

I think it's the worst B&M also, it's the only one I didn't enjoy whatsoever.....for some reason it doesn't have that kick in the pants that mantis has. The best part of mantis is the intense ending, which chang does not have at all.

I liked twisted sisters, not intense, just a fun little ride, but WOW was THUNDER RUN AMAZING! Much better than I ever expected. Smooth, fast, and awesome airtime, and it looks really cool.
I'm sorry I just have to say this.
CHANG is the only reason I would consider re-visiting SFKK. The sisters were down for the day when I went, but knowing what I know now, I'll drive the extra hour for 2 GREAT CCIs rather than waste time with mediocre ones. (though I will go there just to put lola and stella on the count).

And I dont know what thunder run you all rode, but I was not impressed. It reminded me of the Paramount Hurler coasters and not the Carowinds version (the good one IMO), but rather the PKD version (*boo**hiss*) :)
Soggy's avatar
How come so many people love Mantis and hate Chang??? They are so near to being the same ride! Before the midcourse, they are mirror clones, with Chang being larger and no trim on the first drop. It just seems strange to me. I have ridden Mantis, but not Chang, hopefully ib 2002 I will remedy this.

BTW I like hearing all this positave talk about Thunder Run! I have never heard word one about it until now. I remember seeing pics on RCDB and saying to myself that it looked really cool, yet nobody seems to like it, I guess lots of folks do!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
The problem with chang is the second half. It's bad enough to kill off the good first half. After the midcourse, it wanders around a series of long slow curves, with two VERY slow corkscrews thrown in between them. It doesn't fling you up on your side, or have all the positive g's that mantis offers, it just kind of wanders aimlessly. Even the first half of chang seemed slower than Mantis to me, it was the best part, but if you think about it, the first part really isn't that long.
Mantis vs. Chang is the same as real estate. Its all about location, location, location.

Oh yeah, and it doesn't help when Mantis has one of the best endings ever, and Chang's sux.

How do Twisted Sisters compare to Gwazi as a dueling coaster?
I think the main reason Chang isn't as "intense" as Mantis is because Mantis was too much for people. It hurt alotta peeps legs I guess. I don't care for either ride, but I'm pretty sure that's the reason.

Another biggie "don't do it again like that" was when Mean Streak was built the year after Texas Giant. When the Giant opened, everyone loved it, but it was 'out' that it was a super-wild ride. The trains were falling apart during coaster con (whatever number it was in 1990). All this news got to CPoint, and they made sure that they gotta milder version for Mean Streak. They didn't want something that wild with those maintenance problems.

Ow! My lap bar IS down all the way.
Gwazi is a much more intense ride. The first drop of the TS pales in comparison. Gwazi seemed a lot more bumpy, probably because the cars are going faster.

2Hostyl said:
"And I dont know what thunder run you all rode, but I was not impressed. "

I know what you mean. I rode it a few years and HATED it. I tried it several times and just couldn't find anything to like about it....
I went back in late 99, and took one ride on it just to do it again, but it blew me away! I loved it. I think I caught it in a bad year and bad day before, and caught it in a good year/day this time. We could barely get off the ride to do other rides, we were all having such fun on it. One of my favorite things about a good wood coaster is how it will change every hour/day/month/year, and man did this one change between the 2 times I visited the park!

On a side note a very similar thing happened to me with Timber Wolf. After these two coasters I have learned not to dislike a coaster right away, which rarely happens thank goodness! (Dislike recently changed to love again on Flight of Fear)

- Peabody *** This post was edited by Peabody on 5/17/2001. ***
I really don't like Mantis all that much. I like Iron Wolf more than Mantis. If I were to rate the B&M Stand-Ups I have been on they would be:

1. Riddler's Revenge
2. Iron Wolf
3. Chang
4. Mantis (Only like it in 1996)

I really don't like the ending to Mantis. As far as an intense ending I would say Iron Wolf takes the cake, it may not be as big as its younger brothers but it packs an intensity punch like no other.

I always wondered about the Vortex Stand-Ups and how they stack up to Iron Wolf's intensity.

Anyone care to offer some incite.

BMCOASTER *** This post was edited by BMCOASTER on 5/17/2001. ***

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