Twilight admission at PKI?

Did a search, checked their website, couldn't find anything, so here goes...

I'm doing some trip planning, and I can't find out one thing. Does anyone know if PKI has a twilight admission, i.e. reduced price after 4 or 5 p.m.? Thanks.

Remember that if you're one in a million, that means that there are 5000 other people on Earth, just like you.

They use to, but I don't know if they still do, try calling the park and find out.

So you believe that you are studying us, then kindly explain why you are the ones trapped in your seats.

rollergator's avatar
EV...I remember picking up a deal a while back (year before last, I think) where they had a twilight free with the following days' admission....not sure if they're still doing that, or if it would be of any help to you....but since they had SOME sort of Twilight offering, I'd be very surprised if they didn't have JUST a twilight ticket alone...;)
Acronymphomania (n): the socially unacceptable love of heights, and acronyms...;)
CB slacker (n): someone posting topics already covered because they're *working*
CB slacker?

Are you insinuating something?;)

* hears Eric Idle's voice, "No, no, no, no, no.....well, um, yes.... a bit, a bit!" *

Remember that if you're one in a million, that means that there are 5000 other people on Earth, just like you.

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