Trekkies and Trekkers to unite at PGA!

Mamoosh's avatar
Thank god for helps to have a group that is more pathetic and geeky than enthusiasts! ;)
Jeff's avatar
Seriously... Trekkies make coaster enthusiasts seem like upscale, socially elite intellectuals.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Hey, I resemble that remark!

I dunno, I look at certain people, and after my first event, I'm convinced that the only difference in Enthusiasts and Trekkies is that most people that like Star Trek don't admit to it, and those that do go all the way. They're way more fanatical. I just found out not too long ago that my supervisor is a Trekkie, but far from fanatical, just like me. We simply enjoy the movies and shows (well, except Enterprise, it sux).

Heck, I love Trek and Star Wars, still never been to a convention, never really plan on going. Esp. since I've been to the Star Trek Exp. If I really want Merch., I'll buy it there or online...

Under the "What Should We Bring? Link:

We are trying to put forth the image of normal every day Trekkies, not the obsessed being pop-culture has made us out to be. If you must have your Vulcan ears, I won't stop you, but make sure they're on tight so they don't fly off on one of the roller coasters and hit someone in the head.

See... they are just trying to be normal.

Exactly Neuski. I'm weird, but it dosen't stem from being a Trekkie. Heck, Star Trek: The Experience was the first thing I've done Trek in a Looonnng time.
You don't have to put on an act Tekno. We all know that you wear your ears when you are by yourself. ;)
No, but I sleep in my Cap'n Kirk jammies...


Mamoosh's avatar
"...if you must wear your Vulcan ears..."

Funniest. Sentence. EVER!

rollergator's avatar
DOn't leave home without 'em! ;)
Frantic Ferret's avatar
Pot, meet kettle... :)

I'm sorry, but enthusiasts of any sort all seem to fall to about the same social strata when talking to someone who just doesn't have their level of appreciation for the subject at hand. I attend both science fiction conventions as well as coaster events (I know, I'm a geek) and I see a remarkable number of parallels between the two.

At science fiction con:
"Did you know that on Federation starships, the warp core usually consists of a matter/antimatter reaction assembly utilizing deuterium and antideuterium reacting in a dilithium crystal......."

At a coaster event:
"Did you know that this coaster originaly ran with PTC's but they switched to G-trains in 97 which was the same year they moved the block brake...."

At about that point the eyes of the person who just asked what was up with all the badges start to glaze over.

Also present at both:
1. Hats/vests with way too many patches or pins attached to them.
2. Free soda (at least at SRM).
3. Jokes that only make sense to a fellow enthusiast.
4. Glo-lights as fashion acessories.

See you at the next event!

The Ferret is kinda right. (How many times will I say that in my lifetime?)

What you are forgetting FF is that there are extremes to everything. I'm sure there are those Trekkies that don't wear their Vulcan ears... all the time. Just like I don't have any vests, patches, and pins.

I think the underlying difference is that "we" are obsessed over something real and Trekkies are not.

Example: You may have ridden that coasters with PTC's, but I doubt you have ever rode a Federation starship.

Neuski said:

Example: You may have ridden that coasters with PTC's, but I doubt you have ever rode a Federation starship.

Unless you play video games where you fly around in starships, ok I know it isn't the same thing but someone was bound to say it, lol.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

Spaek for yourself! I have a starship in the hanger at Griffing Airport.
As a person who has been to both Star Trek conventions and coaster enthusiast events, I can say that coaster enthusiasts are just as bad if not worse.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I never 'got into' Star Trek or Star Wars. I avoid coaster enthusiast like I avoid Ecoli.

Heck, I could draw parallels between the trekkies, enthusiasts and those hardcore sports fans who show up at games half naked with their bodies painted in their favorite teams colors.

Ever been to one of those rural 'motor parts' things? People covered in grease and Mopar hats discussing the finer points of swapping out carburetors.

Every hardcore fan of anything is usually a complete dork when it comes to showing appreciation for what they love.

With that said, I need to watch some porn, practice my square dancing and continue figuring Pi. ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Enthusiasts as bad as Trekkies? Oh yeah?!? Well Hab SoSlI' Quch!!!*

[*its Klingon...look it up!]

*** Edited 3/30/2005 10:42:54 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Ever been to one of those rural 'motor parts' things? People covered in grease and Mopar hats discussing the finer points of swapping out carburetors.

Sounds hot!

[*its Klingon...look it up!]

MG!!! ;o)

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL jomo.

I don't speak Klingon. As I was typing my reply I thought, "I wonder if there is an English-to-Klingon dictionary?" I did a search and sure enough there is! I found that phrase whilst looking through it ;)

I can see Neuski has never been to Las Vegas... ;)

Den said:
As a person who has been to both Star Trek conventions and coaster enthusiast events, I can say that coaster enthusiasts are just as bad if not worse.

I totally agree. Its like what was said before, I'm a coaster enthusiasts, I don't have any patches, vests, or anything of the like. Heck, I collect shot glasses from parks, but also pretty much anywhere I go on vacation. But I do use the shotglasses for other reasons...

I don't own Vulcan ears, can't read Klingon, and although I do have a few communicator pins, I just got them as gifts. I like Star Trek, but like I said, I can't tell you the last time I watched it in my spare time. The last Trek thing I did was Star Trek: The Exp. when I was out for Solace, but that was it for probably this entire year so far.

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