Travel spending at its lowest since 9/11

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Despite bargain air fares, cheaper hotels and theme park discounts, Americans and foreign visitors have cut U.S. travel spending to the lowest level since the terror attacks of 2001, new government and industry statistics show. The U.S. Department of Commerce reported this week that travel and tourism spending dropped in 2008, and plummeted at an annualized rate of 22% in the last three months of the year.

Read more from The LA Times.

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Jeff's avatar

And even if he was, who cares?

There are a lot of haters for the guy, which is a little strange since he hasn't been in office long, and we aren't going to see the effects of his policy for many years to come. I do admire his ability to bring together actual smart people who are qualified in their fields to solve problems. If he can coordinate those efforts and still set some kind of vision, he could be successful. I sure wouldn't want the problems he has inherited.

What annoys me is the people who project their over-simplified ideological dogma to point out everything he (or any politician) is doing wrong. Seriously, if the solutions to problems were all simple, would we have complex problems in the first place?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff said:

What annoys me is the people who project their over-simplified ideological dogma to point out everything he (or any politician) is doing wrong. Seriously, if the solutions to problems were all simple, would we have complex problems in the first place?

Unfortunately, I've seen that happen with both parties and the extremists on both sides for the past 30 years I've been able to vote. I'm also sure it's gone on for years and years before that. Although I think it's gotten worse with the 24-hour constant blitzkrieg of "news" and data bombarding us for the past 20 or so years.

Funny that as I read Jeff's post, I get a pop up telling me to click and tell Congress to find and drill for America's oil. Now that's a pretty simple solution. :)

Mamoosh's avatar

You've been voting for 30 years? Wow, you're old! ;)

Lord Gonchar said:

Isn't this just a nice way of saying, "Re: Spending - It's ok because the last guy did it too."

For the record, the last guy was a douche for the most part. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. ;)

That's not far off, really. I'm not infatuated with the guy or anything, but I think you'd have to be brain dead to not think he's several orders of magnitude more qualified for the job than the last guy... of course, that's not saying much.

I'm just sick of all the BS nonsense of people trying to paint Obama as the cause or whatever. He's been in office just over 2 months, and to suggest he's already doing more damage than the guy before him is disingenuous, at best. In fact, whether we like it or not, he's doing what most People Who Know think is the correct course of action.

Jeff, if you think that tax cuts will cost the mssaive spending habits as seen in the past 60 days go down. Think again. Even his own party is scrapping his $400 tax credit and remember that this was a one shot deal. Obama can't increase spending and have tax cuts knowing full well that it doesn't follow the simple economic principles. Jeff, I ahve been seen alot in my 42 years and this president is the worst one yet for spending and not wanting to pay the bill.

DJ, look with open eyes instead of one side. Obama is the president and thus the responsiblity for this problem lies with him. HE will raise taxes in order to pay off the $10 + trillion in debt he has put this country into. In the last 60 days, he has spent over 4 trillion dollars on bailouts. Ask yourself where is this money coming from? China is has bought over a trillion dollars in this nation's security bonds and they will cash them in soon since they see America as weak.

Majorcut said:
Jeff, if you think that tax cuts will cost the mssaive spending habits as seen in the past 60 days go down.

Umm... what?

Obama can't increase spending and have tax cuts knowing full well that it doesn't follow the simple economic principles.

Again, where was your outrage during the last 8 years when his predecessor was doing exactly that?!? I'm not saying I like it in either case, but its painfully obvious that your faux outrage is based more on partisan bitching than it is on objective analysis, and that's why I'm calling you out.

DJ, look with open eyes instead of one side.

Pot, meet kettle. Is that phrase overused yet?

Obama is the president and thus the responsiblity for this problem lies with him. HE will raise taxes in order to pay off the $10 + trillion in debt he has put this country into.

Really? Obama has done all of this? I must have missed how Bush balanced the budget and eliminated our debt before leaving office. Impressive.

In the last 60 days, he has spent over 4 trillion dollars on bailouts. Ask yourself where is this money coming from?

And once again, the prior administration spent trillions giving tax breaks to companies that most certainly didn't need it, such as ExxonMobil. Where was your outrage then?

I don't have a problem with people being upset about the fiscal situation we're in, but I sure as hell have a problem with people who quietly went along with 8 years of A, only to turn around and whine about 2.1 months of A. Seriously. At least try to demonstrate an iota of objectivity.

CoasterDaddy said:And I heard the gas price is supposed to rise because of an increase in travel.... Yeah, right...

No, Just Excize taxes and Cap and Trade.

Last year it was eerie when we took our big NE trip. The highways were basically empty except in NYC. Parks doing very well in this economy are ones with campgrounds adjacent or with shuttles.KNOEBELS was packed and still totally enjoyable :)

We tried to reserve a campsite for 5 nights and were deverted to Lake Glory (Knoebels other campground) And we tried to reserve it in Feb last year. SOLD OUT!

If people are taking a trip. It isn't including running around the country and many things. Its going somewhere. Setting up and relaxing or playing at one destination

Last edited by Charles Nungester,

djDaemon said:
I often wonder (not really) why there was never this big of a stink raised about all the tax cuts under the prior administration. That's a metric assload of lost tax revenue, no?

No because tax revenue went up
When you cut taxes revenue to the fed goes up.
People with money reinvest it(rich people admittedly)
Hiring people.stock market,and loans to business's
It makes more money that is taxable.

There are a lot of haters for the guy

There are a lot of knee-jerk haters on both sides of the aisle. I've gotten myself on the maling lists of the local and national Democratic parties, and the thoughtless polemics I got every other day are bad enough that I added them to my spam-to-/dev/null list.

ridemcoaster's avatar

I got every other day are bad enough that I added them to my spam-to-/dev/null list.

I got nothing to add other than I like me a good *nix joke every now and then. :)

When everyone stops whining about spending, cutting. Republican/Democrat and agrees all should pay their fair share and Govt should be held accountable.Then we'll move forward. Untill then. Every child born owes 38,000 to CURRENT DEBT to UNCLE SAM.

Last edited by Charles Nungester,

Mamoosh said:
You've been voting for 30 years? Wow, you're old! ;)

But I can still use my walker to run over people's feet standing in the queue for Phoenix @ PPP.

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