Trash/Puke Cleaning Bug

I noticed this today. You all know how you are able to mow lawns by using the land tool. Right?

Well, now the land tool also performs another handyman job.

Find a spot of puke or trash on your paths. Open the land tool and set it to a land type other then the one that currently has trash on it. (Like if the path is on grass set it to dirt). Then click on the square with the puke/trash. It will vanish.

You can also clean up multiple squares at once by making the land tool bigger.

This "cheat" costs money, but if you have a lot of puke/trash to get rid of fast it can be helpful.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Even cheaper (although a tad slower) is to use the path tool to delete, then rebuild the piece of path with trash/puke on it.

For standard grey pathway, you'll get a $10 credit for deleting it, then spend $12 to rebuild - total cost $2 (more if you need to replace a bench or light - but still cheaper than the land tool.)

Good find though.

I never really have a problem with dirty parks - just use handymen and never have them patrol more than 6 "squares" (the 5x5's the you set) - as long as your pathways make even remote sense, they'll more than handle it.

EDIT - and I never understood why anyone worries about mowing the grass. It doesn't affect the park in any way other than looks. Screw it, I have better stuff to do.

*** Edited 1/15/2004 6:30:54 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Holy cow. I quit playing RCT2 because I was so frustrated with the handymen. I was hiring millions of them and had bathrooms everywhere, but there was still way too much puke.

I never even thought of replacing the paths. Duh. Now I'm going to have to start playing again.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I have a problem with Puke a a lot. I break my handymen down into teams 2 per area or more depending on the size of the area. I also have 2 slaves I have always open in my screen. Then I can just pick them up and drop them where ever puke or trash is. Works very well too.


Haha... I use the "slave" method too! What I do is possition their window in the bottom left hand corner of the screen so all I see is the pinchers... so whenever I see trash or puke, I click it and drop him down.
YUP thats what I do. After a year or so I check there sweep stats. Just to see how many path they've cleaned.


I did the "slave" thing, too, but it seemed like that's *all* I was doing, when what I wanted to be doing was building rides.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
i've never had a problem with puke, using the zoning tool with a simple path system has never failed.
I just have problems getting them to water all my flowers ;)
CPLady's avatar
If I have a puking ride, I place an extra handyman in a 6 square zone and that really handles most of it. But I also have the extra "slave" that I drop as well. And I ALWAYS put a restroom at the exit of a puke ride.

I think being female, I have a big thing on "cleanliness" in my parks. I'm always getting awards for tidiness and best restroom facilities
Too bad I can't build a freaking coaster.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

It seems like alot of us use the "slave" method that Crashmaando described,the only problem with it is that it isn't always practical when you've got a huge park full of interconnecting paths.

Does the land tool trick work on RCT2..or is it just for RCT1? if it works on RCT2 then it just may prove to be a life saver for one of my parks which has a rating of only 545 due to so much puke/trash build up.

I've tried using the delete then rebuild option but when working with large paths(ie midway sized & not just two or three squares wide)it just doesn't seem to make a dent in the problem.

I've never had a problem with trash and puke, but then again I try to lay out my parks with 'square' paths as much as possible (so the paths come to t's everywhere they meet). I also will put a first aid shop right next to the exit of a coaster or something that has a high naseua rating
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I'd really like to see some of these parks with puke/trash problems. I honestly can't understand how it can become that big of a problem. Right offhand I'm thinking it's a problem with complex pathways more than anything.

Anyone care to pass one of these problem parks my way?

I don't know where people got the idea that the peeps are more intelligent in RCT2. I never make a path 2 squares wide and always try make all of my paths meet at 3-way intesections. This sometimes requires me to change my existing paths a little and makes me hav to be more creative. Double wide paths just invite trouble as your handymen will just get lost and walk around in circles.

The most annoying thing about the expansions for RCT2 is that their scenarios mostly have wide paths. I end up spending the first few months of those scenarios by deleting paths so that my guests and staff won't get lost.

My technique for keeping the park clean is that I hire 2 handymen (4 if it is a no money scenario) to wander freely. I then assign 5 blocks to each handyman. If it does not work out very well I may assign six so that I won't have to hire another to cover the last block.

The problem that I see with the slave method was mentioned above, too much micro management. That was the reason why I only played Sim Theme Park for a couple of days. You end up spending all day just looking for potential problems and trying to fix them. That's just annoying.

Well, I use double-wide paths for everything except ride exits, and I never have problems with peeps/staff getting lost... All you need to do is zone your handymen in the way Lord Gonchar explained. If you are still having a lot of complaints, check and make sure that you have covered all the paths with your handymen, especially ride exits.

As long as you understand how the AI of the game works, which is not very complicated, you can make all kinds of crazy path layouts that will still work well. As for other trash control methods, I use maybe 1 first aid station per whole park, and often forget to put down many garbage cans, and I still get 999 ratings just fine. A long as your handymen are zoned in reasonable areas, they will take care of everything.

I don't bother with trash cans at all...except in guarded food courts with a handyman on patrol.

The problem I've found using the land tool trick is this:no sooner do you fix a trouble spot then it just gets filled with trash/puke again...I think the best option is to just assign multiple handymen to each & every square inch of land occupied by footpaths,sure you'll still have a bit of micromaanagement to perform with this method but not as much as with the slave method described above.

If they ever make another RCT game(RCT3) I'd like to see a disable trash/puke feature in the options menu because having to deal with that problem constantly really takes alot of the fun out of playing the game & justbeing able to sit back & watch your park run.

Well I just make sure I have enough handymen each designated to a small amount of path so that every inch of my park is being taken care of! It works wonderfully! I also keep 2 slaves just incase. Puke has never been a problem for me. I just wish we could raise or lower how much we paid staff.

Another good way to at least limit the puke is by putting benches right outside the exits of the rides that get the people sick. a lot of the time the people who are sick will sit down to feel better, and after awhile they'll get better and they won't puke at all.
The way I cut down on puke is by putting First Aid stations at the exits, bathrooms near by and benches. Then I put a handy man set to patrol a six box selection area right outside the exit. Works pretty good for me.

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