Trains sent out empty....

One more reason for "really knowing where your towel is."

"Life. Don't talk to me about life."

Revised projection for 2002: 33 parks & 120 coasters. 33 & 120 through 10/17.

F T Fan, One of Towlie's signature lines is ""Don't forget to bring a towel", I do believe that is what Gator was implying.

Gator wish me luck, because my (hopefully) first X ride is just 2 weeks away!

"The Moose says your closed, I say your open"! Chevy Chase-Vacation

rollergator's avatar

Hey, my OLD sig was "Teaching people about towel safety and proper towel usage" got NO response at all, so I decided to "move along", per Officer Barbrady's instructions...;)

On to more IMPORTANT issues: Good luck, Donny S, the "word on the streets" is that we MAY see X go down again for more modifications, but my *understanding* is that it SHOULD still be up for a while first....not sure if The Mountain is still open on Fridays, but IF it is, THAT'S the day for riding is unbelievably awesome, and you will NOT suffer from anticippointment....(but DO ride in the "back" end of the train, the ride is MUCH better there)...

Jill informed me this a.m. that the whole "Towel concept" did originate from HHG.....I swear I must be a pseudo-intellectual, 'cause I really don't seem to 'get' the whole Sci-Fi thing....

Sending all three trains empty after a guest illness seems kind of dumb. At worst we would have sent the train with the puke on it empty. A lot of times we simply sent the seats behind the puke empty and loaded everything in front of it. Then we would keep loading the seats up front while we cleaned the puke and let everything dry (10 minutes - 3 or 4 cycles of that train) before finally filling in the puked on seats and everything behind it. We always tried to deal with puke without setting up. In some rare cases (chunky puke all over the place) this wasn't possible, but many times we kept right on running without any downtime (except for a couple seats). It was pretty impressive to be honest. Thankfully, there was probably only one puker a day on average and the worst day I remember was five. The wierd thing was - four of them were before they rode!

2001 Magnum Crew

*** This post was edited by MDOmnis on 10/17/2002. ***

JoNoJ27 said:
I was standing in line for Raging Bull at SFGAm and I watched them send out about 5 consecutive trains empty. I know they usually test run the trains when they add an additional train, but they were running 3 trains already and didn't make any such changes. I'm curious... what could they have been trying to accomplish by sending out so many trains empty?

when was this? if it was the right weekend i have an anser for you. ondrew -----------------
p.s. contrary to popular belief i am not an idiot nor i am i a child.

*** This post was edited by ondrew hartigan on 10/17/2002. ***

Sunday October 13. Sometime between 11:00 and 3:00.

*** This post was edited by JoNoJ27 on 10/17/2002. ***

ok sorry wrong weekend so i dont have an anser but it could possably have had to do with wind or rain.


p.s. contrary to popular belief i am not an idiot nor i am i a child.

nasai's avatar
Gator, sad to see that so much wit is being wasted here. So with that, screw you guys. I'm going home--------;)

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