I REALLY need help on how to work a trainer. I know you have to have the drexler patch to run a trainer, but I can't seem to get one downloaded. Every time I try to download one an error message comes up. Does anyone have any tips on how to download the drexler patch.
Also, how do you work trainers after you downlaod the drexler patch? Right now I'd really like someone to answer the first question and then someone can help me on the trainers question. Thanks in advance!
Try one of the links on http://www.strategyplanet.com/rctuk/rctpatch/ for the patch. First two worked fine for me, and also includes alternates. The patch is required to use trainers for CF/AA or LL.
In general, the method for using the trainer depends on which version of RCT you are using, and which trainer you have. Be sure the trainer is compatible with your version. For most trainers, you need to start RCT first, then start the trainer. DragonsIOA 6 and RCTrainer Lite use F12 to open trainer menus. DragonsIOA 5, Snowbound, Woses, and Beast you swap between RCT and the trainer (using window vs full-screen mode works best). TRG uses hot keys.
DragonsIOA, TRG and Beast trainer show "blah blah trainer initialized" messages when they are activated, so you can see that it recognized your version of RCT. Most of the menu items are self explanatory.
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