Traditional "last Ride"

When your at a park that you go to alot, Is there a ride that you always make your last ride before you leave?

I always make sure I make The Beast my last ride before I leave PKI.

Sit up right, hold on tight!

PKI - Beast or SOB

Kennywood - Thunderbolt

Indiana Beach - Cornball Express

SFGAm - Viper

Michigan's Adventure - Shivering Timbers...duh.

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Something wood.

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

The toilet...

you might laugh, but I'm dead serious!
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

CPLady's avatar
I'm all for 2Hostyl's answer. The rides may change, but the LAST thing I do when leaving a park is hit the ladies room.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

My last ride of the evening is always Ghostrider, followed by a trip to the best sugar high known to man, Funnel Cakes. :)

Coming Soon: Coasters "American" Style.

2Hostyl said:
The toilet...

you might laugh, but I'm dead serious!
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

No offense, but persoanlly I use public restrooms the least I can, they are such a mess and stink and sometimes people are changing there babies and yuck...

SFGAm: Viper - My favorite coaster.

PKI: The Beast - At night this is one of the best.

Michigan's Adventure: ST - As chris said "duh"

Holiday World: The Legend - My 2nd favorite wooden.

CP: Raptor - It's on the way out of the park after MF.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

SFGADV nitro


DOrney Park Talon

Raging Bull. Of course, now with Deja Vu open, and the line being so long, I might just begin hitting that one at the end to not waste my Bull riding time during the day.

Past the point of no return, Your only choice is to freeze or burn! (pick freeze)

At Cedar Point, I'd usually catch a final ride on Raptor, or if the line is insanely long, Cedar Downs. Last year, however, I decided to ride Power Tower just before closing. Space shot, of course. Wow! It was a great way to end my night and it helped us stay awake on the ride home too :) I think I might have started a new tradition...


Jeff Walker
Future Cedar Point Employee


So what you are saying is you like to 'feel the wrath of Vortex' for your last ride? =:^)

For me, it doesn't really matter. I enjoy riding Millennium Force at night, as well as The Beast. I am not a very picky rider so anything that is fun is good to end the night on. It doesn't even have to be a coaster.


Timber Wolf or Mamba at WOF.



i don't feel like putting anything here

PKI- The Racer This outstanding classic coaster always leaves the best lasting impression on me when I leave the park, because it reminds me of just having fun. It's the perfect little coaster to give just the right amount of everything to be the falling action of a day at the park and it really smoothes things out. That's just me anyways.

CP- Raptor I always leave the best for last and I can't believe they leave it right at the exit just for me. Best? Did I say that out loud? ;) If it wasn't for Raptor being right at the exit/entrance, I would make Blue Streak(most likely), Gemini, or Magnum my last ride for similar reasons as Racer. Just that classic, wind in the face conclusion to a wonderful day.

SFWoA- Big Dipper or Villain

SFKK- Thunder Run mainly because its at the end of the park loopway I go. And its my favorite coaster there as of last year.

SFGAm- I really, really wish I could say American Eagle and I want it to be so much better than what it was. Hopefully, I'll like it more this year. If I'll leave one of the big guys in SW Territory for last(Raging Bull or Viper).

MiAdv- Shivering Timbers without a doubt.

HW- Even though I like Legend more... well, a lot more, I like to end my day with The Raven. Maybe the PTCs will make me change my mind this year though. :)

IOA- The Cat in the Hat Don't ask, just take this baby for a spin and you'll see what I mean. The Hulk is probably the best way to end the day for me. The ride itself is a constant falling action, so it slows the day to a halt as well, but leaves a good memory.


SFGAm - Raging Bull
C.P. - Millennium Force
Mi.Adv. - Shivering Timbers
I.B. - Cornball Express

My Top 5 Coasters:
1. Raging Bull(SFGAm) 2.Millenium Force(CP) 3. Deja Vu(SFGAm) 4.V2(SFGAm) 5.Cornball Express(IB)A HREF=http://coasterworld.cjb.netCOASTERWORLD/***

When my family and I go to BGW every year we don't normally do the coasters at the very end of the day. Usually we ride Roman Rapids till they kick us off. While we're soaked to the bone, we sprint over to Escape from Pompei to grab a ride or two. And yes we do remember to bring beach towels for the ride back to the hotel.

I'm not very nit-picky about my last ride. So long its on the best ride in the park.

Coasterman Mike - who just realized that Jeremy does make one last visit to the Batcave before leaving

Total rides on Phantom's Revenge: 49
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on Superman:UE : 633
Feel free to IM me @ CoastermanMike

My last ride at Kennywood is almost always the ride I think is called the baron curve. It's that coasterlike ride that has single seats and goes really, really fast on a circuliar track. It all started with me walking past it on the way out one evining and I noticed that I had not been on it all day. I made it the last ride of that night and it just became a habit.

Has anyone notice that KW's flats run much faster than other parks flats?.

Mine is always Alpengeist at BGW. It's just awesome at night.

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