tracer lights

What are your favorite tracer lights? Mine is Ghostrider's non-continuous orange lights. The effect is that the coaster looks like a ghostly mirage.
rollergator's avatar
Any woodie that travels over/around a lake is an excellent choice for tracers...think GASM at SFoG at night...ahhhhh.  But for the BEST use of tracers I've ever seen, I'll have to go with KW's is that a beautiful station/ride, esp. when seen from the ferris wheel.
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Herheypark at night is beautiful.  There's tracer's on Wildcat and Lightning Racer...seeing as these two rides are right next to each other, it creates an awesome sight!
Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

Lightning Racer, no question.  Simply stunning at night.
"If love is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane..." - Guns n' Roses
I can think of only one coaster that has tracers all the way through, but they are beautiful... PKI's Racer.  Vortex has tracers up the lift hill, but then they stop... really stupid looking.
You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."
The Hershey Comet and Lake Compounce Wildcat.  With tracer lights, they seem to glow with the very essence of THE classic wooden coaster experience.
The worst tracer lights I've seen are the ones on Mantis' lift hill. If you've seen it, you know what I mean... just so, blah.

There's been some inside buzz that Big Dipper at SFWoA will be recieving these lights for the 2002 season. I hope this is true because I think it will look really great.
Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz" "My Fellow Americans, Lets Roll!"

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 1/25/2002. ***

Forgive me, but what are the tracer lights?
Tracer lights are the little blinking bulbs that line the tracks (actually handrails) on many coasters.

But yeah, I have to ring in on HersheyPark Midway America and the wonderful masterpiece Lightning Racer. GatorRollerWoodie, you simply HAVE to make it to this park sometime soon (I hear it's only an hour from Knoebel's)

Oh and the rides kicks mad gluteus too!

Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

rollergator's avatar
jeremy, I relly tried to make HP  last year, but the calendar was working against me.  Dragging Jill to PPPP meant we were in the area, but HP was closed for BOTH weekends around the event.  Only two last year b/w season opening and Christmas that they were closed...make the best of the situation, we got our first ever visit INSIDE Dorney...AND a return trip to SFGAdv for Nitro (and a few other rides, LOL).  Got pics from outside HP on a previous trip when they were also closed...bummer.  But my most recent visit inside HP was so long ago, I'll bet I was 7 or 8...this year, Uncle Miltie's (Milton Hershey, that is) park WILL get a visit...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
what about MF? i thought it was so awesome a week after it opened witht the colored lights on the supports on the lift and first drop! and the fireworks as we were driving away!
Not that they are inclrdeible.. But I just LOVE SoB's goin up the hill. The way I go to PKI there are two spots you can see it in the distance. The first time I was goin to ride SoB, Media day, it was 5:00 AM. Pretty much pitch dark. Couldn't see very far ahead of you. When I went over the first hill. I was awe struck. I had never seen a coaster this high yet and I hadn't drove by during the winter to look at. So I had no clue what it was like. I'll never forget the look on my mom's face when she saw it also.
It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.
I have to agree that the Midway America section of Hershey with Lightning Racer and The Wildcat lit up at night is absolutley stellar.

"Prejudice does no service to you. Break the shackles, it's up to you." - Stereolab "Our Trinitone Blast"

I like Goliaths personally, I think if SUE had some they should be red and blue and flicker.
The Scream Site
SFOG's GASM tracers stretch over all the ciruit, except the station, where it doesn't make sense to have them anyway.

At SFOG, the tracers are turned on by the crews.  Is this the same at other parks, or are some on sensors/timers?

CP's Blue Streak look awesome, especially if you turn to look behind you when you go up Millennium Force's lift and see them off in the distance. Another cool angle is when you are on the causeway going home and looking through the rear view mirror and seeing the coaster's outline. Very cool.

X Factor

Oh yeah, GASM does look good. While we're on SFoG, I thought that Mindbender looked awesome from the parking lot at night.
Ya know, It's kinda funny, Millennium Force's lights on the lift hill are controlled by a simple on-off light switch, not unlike one you may have in your room to control the lights. I was suprised... I guess I was expecting some massive lever that required two people to pull down to get the lights started.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz" "My Fellow Americans, Lets Roll!"

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 1/26/2002. ***

Where would one find tracer lights? Are they the tube lights found in a typical hardware store? Maybe I should buy some and leave them as a nice gift to Conneaut Lake


Who could just picture the park security yelling at him after he sneaks onto the lift to install them :)
CP! Still the coaster capital of the world in 2002!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

*** This post was edited by bigkirby on 1/26/2002. ***

Kirby - Did they ever turn the Blue Streak lights on for you?

On our last ride of the night, one of the ops said he had a special treat for us. When we exited the tunnel, the op appeared on a step ladder next to the lift with an extension cord in one hand and the end of a strand of old x-mas style lights in the other. After giving everyone in the train high-fives, he proceeded to light the lift hill with these lights. It was the icing on the cake after two hours of non-stop Blue Streak riding. Very cool stuff, indeed, at a very cool park.

*** This post was edited by chris on 1/26/2002. ***

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