TR: Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom no witty name

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Wednesday, August 7, 2002 2:09 PM

Six Flags Kentucky kingdom fun fast and friendly We left my house at 8:30 am we were in for a “2 hour” drive to Louisville to go to Kentucky Kingdom. Kings Island financed this VIA employee ticket trade. We got some gas and got on the highway. Pretty boring, WEBN was fading out so we played some CD’s. We made great time so we stopped for some food. We stopped for some McDonalds. We were the only people other than the workers who were under 70 in there. Skip ahead about 30 minutes. We arrived at the expo center parking lot and thus Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom.

Once the gates were opened we went to Hellavator. I having been there before knew what to expect. But they added no-go straps (I think they did) I couldn’t ride it because of my body frame no biggie. It’s a 3rd (I think) generation tower and it wasn’t high. Hellavator 4/10 intamin Giant DropThe ride operator who was down at the ride was VERY friendly and tried hard to get me on.

Next we went to Road Runner Express. It had not finished its morning block testing. We waited all of 5 or 6 minutes to get on. We had to take our backpacks with us and they crammed me in him in the same car. My butt never touched the seat. Not because of airtime but because of the way we were crammed in. I felt unsafe but it’s a freaking wild mouse.

Road runner express 2.1/10 Maurer Sohne Wild Mouse It wasn’t all that bad and the crew had there reasons.

Chang B&M standup
Chang was a station wait. 1 train operation. I once again couldn’t ride because of my frame BUT AGAIN I had been there before and FOF had not so I knew what to expect
FOF rating 5/10 (made me have fond memories of King Cobra)
Station wait back seat. Good SLC very little head banging. Rating 7/10

Enterprise HUSS enterprise

I had not ridden this on my last trek to SFKK. So I and FOF both were in for it. Waited the longest line of the day here 20+ mins

Twisted Twins CCI wood/steel Dueling coaster.
Next up on our list was Twisted twins. Only Stella was open. I remember Marathoning this back before I was a nut Our 1st ride was good but the second ride was better, we sat in the back and we had major AIR! I had standup air.
Twisted Twins 9/10

Thunder Run Curtis D Summers, wood out and back

Good ride. I being used to PKI’s Overly low lap bars was surprised to see That these were nice. I road nice and loose, Enjoyable compact out and back.

We ate dinner and saw that there top spin was down. I really liked that. It’s s different then PKI’s version.

Roller skater Vekoma junior. I also marathoned this last time I was there. Fun little ride.


Go carts AKA Thrill cartsThese things kicked butt. Nice and fast. LONG ride time also.

7/10 Giant wheel. Vekoma Giant wheel Nice ride took some photos another long cycle.

1/10 we hit chaos. Fun ride.5/10

We went back to the thrill carts for the only problem of the DAY!The crews had changed and I couldn’t ride. I was like WTF. Now being savvy and being yelled by managers at PKI I knew there was 1 way to get things done. I grabbed a games manager and asked to see the rides manager. They were there on the spot. The crew was laxing and they got yelled at for it. No one used the breaks. He yelled at everyone because they were hitting stopped cars fast! He found the problem and gave me a free ride and also FOF got another. I was laughing the entire way! I didn’t think things were going to be done but they were. Especially when I said “We came down from cincy to come to this park” I was very polite and told him that Kings island was footing the bill for the tickets so I wasn’t about to ask for a refund. I was pissed but I never lost my cool. I was surprised things got done In the entire park deserves an


10/10Friendly crews

10/10In all a GREAT day. This place seems well managed (last time I went I didn’t care). There were some staffing problems but I don’t play games anyways. Bravo to the staff and the management of Six flags Kentucky kingdom!

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

*** This post was edited by PKIEMPSOB on 8/7/2002. ***


Chris Cowan

Wednesday, August 7, 2002 2:32 PM

The "Huss Topspin" is actually a Vekoma Waikiki Wave. It doesn't go upside down. And it's always broken. The last time I was there, they had actually let the grass grow up really tall around it as if they were trying to hide it (..and I wouldn't blame them if they were.)



Wednesday, August 7, 2002 2:37 PM


Ever heard of paragraphs? I can't even read it but from the bits I did get, sounds like you had a good time.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly



Wednesday, August 7, 2002 4:01 PM
Well managed....much different from when I went in early July. But I went on the Sat. after Independence Day and that was probably one of their busiest days. I'm assuming that "Huss Topspin" being referred to is the Earthquake (I think that's the name of it) -- looks kinda like a gravitron but the supports are opposite each other by 180 degrees so it twists and rocks instead of inverting. Good ride -- it was open and had quite a line when I went -- but I like the gravitron style better.

PLEASE READ: This post wasn't meant to offend or anger anyone; I apologize in advance if it does. So please don't post a reply just to rant about it. :)


Mark W. Baruth

Wednesday, August 7, 2002 5:18 PM
I can't remember ever reading another positive TR about SFKK, including my own. Sounds like you went with an open mind and had a great time. I can't imagine ever giving this park another shot, but maybe if I read a few more TRs such as this one, I'll reconsider.
Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?


Wednesday, August 7, 2002 5:29 PM

it had a huss plaq on it??? I wasnt paying attention! Did i mention how clean it was?

I typed it in word. I dunno why it didnt paste right! Me fix

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

*** This post was edited by PKIEMPSOB on 8/7/2002. ***


Chris Cowan

Wednesday, August 7, 2002 8:36 PM

They do have several Huss rides at SFKK: Pirate-Boat, Breakdance, Enterprise, Rainbow (and they used to have a Ranger and a Bee Bee), but the "Quake" is definitely a Vekoma.

I'm surprised you didn't get headbanging in the back seat on T2. My ears are usually ringing from getting slammed against those pads so much!

*** This post was edited by Chris Cowan on 8/7/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Chris Cowan on 8/7/2002. ***



Wednesday, August 7, 2002 9:13 PM

They added padding the restaints looked like face offs

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."


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