TR: Millennium Mania 9/7

Associated parks:

I got to Cedar Point at 2pm and waited for the gates to open. Once the park opened I rushed back to Vertigo and got 6 rides on it in the first hour. Then I walked back through the park and did other rides.
Magnum 2 times (Dan got his 2000th ride when I was on)
Mantis 3 times
Raptor 4 times.
After that I walked back to Vertigo and rode it 8 more times, for a total of 14. Big Bang is the best one you can do. Facing the ground going up and down. Very great feeling since you are flying out of your seat most of the time. I couldn't have asked for a better day for going to Cedar Point, there was a very small amount of people there. Vertigo at night is NICE also.  Colored spot lights shining on you, its great. After that I went back into the park to try and find my dad, and I figured I would ride red power tower once. Didn't give me as much of a thrill as Vertigo did though. I should have a few pictures of me doing Big Bang soon. When that happens i'll post the link for them. Oh yeah, anyone else who went yesterday, the shirt I had on said "For Sale, Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain."

*** This post was edited by SonOfBeastRules on 9/8/2001. ***

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