TR inspired TR

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This is more of a quick note of thanks to those that have written some great Kennywood trip reports lately. This afternoon, after leaving work (which for the last 30 minutes involved looking through the coasterbuzz Kennywood trip reports ... ) I decided it was much too nice a day to watch the Lord of the Rings DVD and go mini-golfing with my friends ... so I called the two I was supposed to go golfing with and we went and met my buddy that works at the park there.

It was just a classic Kennywood night. $16.45 got me a Phantom's Revenge, a Thunderbolt, a PittFall, an Exterminator, two games and some Potato Patch fries - and we all walked around the park and just soaked up atmosphere and gorgeous weather. So thanks to all that have written good trip reports lately on Kennywood that inspired a great evening (and sorry to anyone that expected this one to follow suit!)

Steel - #1 Kumba, #2 Millie, #3 Mantis ||| Wood - #1 Thunderbolt, #2 Villain, #3 Gwazi
"The key to a happy life is moderation" -- Jon Stewart

*** This post was edited by PittDesigner on 8/6/2002. ***

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