TR: Florida Trip (Busch Gardens Tampa, Old Town, State Fair, +More)

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I have completed my trip reports for my 2006 trip to Florida.

Venues visited:
+ Florida State Fair
+ Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
+ Magical Midway (Orlando on I-Drive)(Has a Star Flyer)
+ Osceola County Fair (midway by Strates Shows)
+ Old Town (and its next door neighbor that has the 300' Skycoaster)

In the interest of saving bandwith, the reports are on my blog, the links are below:

Day 1: Arrival, Florida State Fair
Day 2: Busch Gardens, Florida State Fair
Day 3: Busch Gardens
Day 4: Magical Midway, Osceola County Fair, Old Town, Departure

CLiff's notes version of above: I had a lot of fun, and really loved Sheikra!

Share and Enjoy! *** Edited 2/27/2006 4:48:04 AM UTC by Coasterville Dave to format URL links properly*** *** Edited 2/27/2006 4:48:56 AM UTC by Coasterville Dave***

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville
My Blog ->

a_hoffman50's avatar
Can you add some /url's so we can actually click 'em? Thanks! *** Edited 2/27/2006 12:52:26 AM UTC by a_hoffman50***
Wow Coasterville Dave, according to MS Word, your day one report was 7,311 words. Your other daily reports appear to be similar in length.

In the interest of saving bandwidth to my brain, can you tell me if you had fun? You did? Great. Cheers! *** Edited 2/27/2006 3:04:37 PM UTC by greatwhitenorth***

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