Associated parks:

*WARNING! This Trip Report is extremly long. You may wish to have food and facilities handy!*

Trip Report – Paramount’s Kings Island – ACE/GOCC FALL FREAK OUT October 2 2004

Start Time: Left house at 7:30 AM! Arrived at park at 8:10.
Weather: Can’t make up its mind, nasty when I got up at 6AM, nice (but chilly) upon leaving the house, fairly nice but a little foggy when arriving at the park, then fluctuated during the day.

Quotes of the day:
“Checkpoint Moronic”
“This isn’t Cedar Point!”


I got up at 6AM to find my newspaper was not delivered yet. Oh-Kay, it should arrive at like 5AM or 5:30 AM at the latest. After going out to the family room and clicking on the 6AM Early Morning News on Dayton Channel WHIO-TV 7, my mom discovered the paper was there, but it had been halfway out into the yard (or maybe the bottom of the driveway, I was saving my memory for later in the day. I read the paper and gobbled down some Hot Cinnamon Rolls.

At the last minute, I ran and got dressed and could NOT FIND my Green Beast shirt. Uh-Oh. Oh well, I had to go with the *shudder* Son of Beast shirt.

OK, dressed, I grabbed the batteries for my camcorder and digital camera, stuffed everything in my tote bag, and ran out the door.

In van, took off. Halfway down SR-42 at about Waynesville, we got STUCK behind a slowpoke guy in a truck. Oh GREAT! We were already behind schedule, I had wanted to leave the house at 7AM on the dot!

We ditched the slowpoke at SR-48 and hightailed it to the park. We pulled into the South Troll Booths, and my mom pulled up to the Handicapped parking area, and dropped me off.

She went to the end of the lot to wait for me to call to check in, and I hauled my butt up to the windows where the line was forming.

I got in line, after being told that the 3 lines were divided. I had to go to the right of three lanes for last names starting with A-F. Sheesh, they are making us think TOO EARLY in the morning!

OK, showed my ACE card, observed David Bowers and Dave Althoff prepping cameras by the old season pass gate. They took off to the just-opened gate, and I received an envelope, itinerary, and a lanyard just like the Beastbuzz one except it read “Fall Freak out”

OK, got those, got my name tag out of the envelope and put it on, walked right through the me_al detectors as the security crew had not arrived yet. Got my new 2005 Gold Pass (With free parking even!) scanned at one of the few open turnstiles, wait, I mean gate as the turnstiles were not in place yet, at least not in the row I went in, I think I might have been in the wheelchair entrance on the left side by the re-entry gate.

Got in, fastened my wallet back in my pocket, and walked over to the group and got my camera ready. I pulled my phone out to call my mom, and checked in with her and she left the lot then to head home until later in the day. I hung up and heard:

“That doesn’t look like a Green Beast shirt!”

I looked up and found David Bowers (Dave #1) and Rideman (Dave #2) right in front of me, so I explained the dilemma of not finding the green one, and I reassured Rideman that I had not paid full price for the SoB shirt I was wearing. I looked at Dave #1’s Dollywood Thunderhead shirt, then Security herded us over to the hand-stamp lanes. Huh?

Security told us to get handstamps and go out through the turnstiles and get screened. Umkay, this is dumb. As Rideman put it, if anyone had brought anything in they could have just put it in the bushes and gotten it back afterward.

To make matters WORSE, they were admitting ALREADY SCREENED people in through the gates at that time, effectively mixing us all up anyway. Argh!

I experienced trouble there due to my camcorder and camera and batteries and all that crap I had brought with me, and I had taken everything out and gotten stuff ready after we went through, so I had a mess to deal with to get through the checkpoint.

After this futile attempt at lousy security, I Caught up with Dave and Dave back in the gate, and then we were led back toward Flight of Fear.

We were taken down I-Street just as the LOUD music for FearFest started playing. Down through Oktoberfest (Why?) where we saw a service truck coming past Adventure Express’s entrance toward us. Why didn’t we go by the construction site???

OK, into Coney MAUL, we observed fog machines. We were taken down Coney where the music speakers on Fudge & Fun had just been turned on. We turned left and alked toward FoF, passing a Toyota minivan coming out of the FoF plaza. Under Racer, all the gates on either side of Racer were open, allowing us to look down the track as we walked under the ride.

We got to the FoF exit and gathered around Jeff Siebert, Maureen Kaiser, Kimberly Tanney, and Steve Bohmker. Jeff welcomed us to Flight of Fear, and then was interrupted by “DING DING DING, ATTENTION ALL BASE PERSONNEL, CODE GREEN! WILL THE CHEMICAL CLEANUP TEAM REPORT TO HANGER 18! THAT IS ALL!” Or something like that. So he made fun of it, saying “now you know why you are all here!”

He introduced the Marketing staff with him, then a maintenance guy I don’t remember his name. I suck at remembering names mostly.

OK, Jeff got interrupted by a CODE YELLOW announcement, then the other guy came on.

He gave a quick spiel about safety in the ride, and then HE got interrupted this time by a CODE RED call for thermodynamic nuclear team or somesuch. He follows along and goes “OH NO!” for the Code Red call. We were then led back into the exit to the Unload station.

There was a train parked in the Unload station, empty. No weight dummies or anything, just empty. It was about 9:15 AM at this point.

We walked past the control panel in the Unload station and through a door, and climbed down a flight of steel steps. Forward a short distance right past the transfer table control panel, then down another stretch of steel steps.

At this point, we are walking down the low stretch of the building underneath the brake run track. We got to the end (actually, the front) of the brake run and were shifted to the left a little around a safety fence that surrounds the track on the Spaghetti Bowl.

Walking down through there, we were completely inside the large Drum of Flight of Fear. I mean, there is track EVERYWHERE squeezed into that building. It goes right up against the walls, and to get in we had to literally climb over support beams and steel columns. I snapped a bunch of photos, having trouble in the light conditions in there, and used my camcorder. The supervisor guy climbed up to the first landing on the steps leading up to the upper platform that leads to the midcourse brake run. He started addressing the crowd, and I got my camcorder going right after he began talking:


OK, he ended with: “Do you guys want to see it launch???”

Hell yes we want to see it launch! And the crowd told him that very clearly!

He told us to walk around the fence if we wanted to, to see more clearly, so we dispersed and I took a position with the camcorder near the old King Cobra trains. The “Please clear the ride area, we are about to launch trains” alarm sounded twice, we heard the “clear! Clear!” from the station down the tunnel, and the train rocketed down the tunnel and up into the ride.

Wow! I was not expecting this! When it started, I had a quick thought that they might e-stop it on the midcourse brakes before it got down to the low trackage where we were, but nope! The train roared through the brake run and flew down into the low trackage, then flew by us less than six feet away! Wow!!!

It went through the final inversion and disappeared from sight down the final brake run, and I turned away to video and photograph the King Cobra trains that I was standing near. Not for long however! Because I heard a roar and turned around to see the SECOND train flying up through the Cobra Roll! I ran further down the fence and videoed the whole ride again from a different angle. When that finished, we kept watching this time, but they e-stopped the ride and (well, they might have just locked it out rather than e-stop, I don’t know for sure.) then we turned and photographed and videoed the King Cobra trains and the two Flight of Fear trains, one of them just chassis, sitting by the wall of the building.

We then started walking out of the building, down the final brake run again and up the steps by the transfer table and up the steps into the Unload station. We walked out, and they led us straight to Beast, as it was about 9:30 AM now, the time of the usual walkback, so returning to the ACE brick would be pointless. We walked there, and somehow we lost Rideman at Flight if Fear somewhere, so we got there and entered the line, near the front, and were held back by the height-checker booth next to the vending machines. I munched crackers and we discussed RCT3 until they let us in, and I saw Rideman back at the end of the line almost by the Cool Zone. We walked up to the station, and boarded seat 1.3 of the VERY first passenger-carrying train of the day!

I stepped over and put my camcorder and jacket into the cubby on the shelf, and stepped back into the train into the left side seat, David Bowers on the right side seat.

Seat belts fastened, Lap bars secured (I got 3 clicks, pathetic, that should be about FIVE clicks on a properly adjusted lap bar.) And we were off!

We go around and connect to the first lift, where we get a surprise by going up the lift hill FAST! The last time I went up Beast’s first lift this fast was in 2002! We got to the top and slowed, just like Beast used to do before it got new, over-cautious blocking programming.

A pretty darn good Beast ride followed, and I am now officially woken up.

We hit the brakes, rolled into the station and unloaded. I fetched my camcorder and jacket, and David and I walked down the exit ramp to wait for Rideman.

We looked over a Carowinds map and discussed coasters while we were waiting, and had a little “Beast Airtime Fun” with John Peck as he left the Beast. (If you have to ask, you don’t need to know)

Dave FINALLY got out of Beast, and we left the ride area. Rideman went to the Scooters while David and I walked up to the lockers by Viking Fury to stow our unnecessary crap. We fed the lockers and I put my camcorder (which was already flashing Low Battery due to me leaving in on all the way down to the park, OOPS!) jacket, camcorder tapes, packet of peanut butter crackers, and some other excess crap into the locker, and locked it.

Locker key in hand (actually on wrist!) we returned to the Flyers and took a ride. Not much snap-action, but then again they are not warmed up yet.

OK, we got off, waited for Rideman who had probably ridden three times already since we went to the lockers, and then we engaged in Strange Coaster Nut Behavior (discussing coasters instead of riding coasters, even stranger as we were like ten feet away from Vortex.) with John Peck and a couple others, and we compared our Awful Photographs from out various season passes.

We started walking toward Flight of Fear, with about half an hour to go before the Scavenger Hunt setup. I grabbed a cup of water at Preston Tuckers, and John Peck split and we went to FoF.

We got in line, only to discover NO LINE, we walked straight through he UFO and into the station, where we went to 1.1.

10 minutes later, Rideman and I boarded and I got the left side seat due to that damn piece of metal on the floorboard. We took off, and discovered that the brakes WERE trimming unlike this morning on the tour. Other than that, a great ride!

We exited and waited for David, and we walked to the International Showplace at warp speed. We got there JUST before they were about to close the showplace off. We walked down, and overheard “two person teams!” What?
David and I walked down and got the forms and a couple ink pens, and as I was getting an ink pen from Kimberly I heard:

“Just so you know, I didn’t drop those pens at Beastbuzz I was just picking them up, pkidelirium!”

Uh oh! Heh I guess she saw my BeastBuzz photos…….. So I nodded, took an ink pen, and we walked up to where Rideman was, and we overheard a cell phone convo between Jeff Siebert and ???. This conversation was mentioning something about the Flyers, a higher base, and a new location. Hmmmmmmm!!!

OK, we looked over the scavenger hunt forms, and it was 22 questions long, half that of the BeastBuzz one, and we decided then that we would not be partaking in the scavenger hunt, so we walked up to the tower, and went up the Tower.

Got to the top, and promptly began freezing out tails off. It was COLD up there!

Rideman shot video, I took photos, and tried to find someone to maybe do the scavenger hunt with, but to no avail, oh well, no big loss, as we would be doing something better!

We left the Tower as soon as we could, and we had 15 minutes until the Beast backstage tour. David and I returned to lockers to get our jackets back, and met Rideman back at the Beast, where 5 minutes later, we were being led back along the route we took for BeastBuzz.

I will not go into detail on beast tour because we did the same route we took at BeastBuzz, however there are a couple highlights:

On the way back into the woods, Rideman picked up a piece of broken wire rope that was laying on the path and said “This isn’t Cedar Point!”

At the far end of the tour course, along the fast valley section of track, Kimberly as well as a few others took some group photos of us in front of the Beast track. I saw one of them on PKICentral’s photo gallery, anyone know where I can find the others???

Climbing back up the slope from the valley section, Kimberly gave me grief about the “pen-dropping” photo again after I almost busted my butt on the slope, which she had done couple times before already. NOTE TO KIMBERLY: I officially apologize for any misunderstanding that resulted from my photo of you picking up the pens!

OK, we left the Beast tour after we observed some remains of the old skid-braking system, and walked out to the midway. Outside the Cool Zone, we decided to skip the “Exclusive Haunting Time” on the FearFest stuff, and skip the Son of Beast Tour which none of wanted to do again.

So, we decided to go to Strickers for a while!!! Current time is 1:45 PM, and we have until 5:30 before the event in the Picnic Grove. So we got handstamps, left the park, and piled into Rideman’s car for a trip to the Land of Strickers.


OK, get out of car, leave unneeded stuff in the trunk, go up and pay our $8 each (POP!!!) to get into the park which INCLUDES unlimited free soft drinks! I had been here in August for the Family Fun Day and that is a GREAT deal.

OK, we immediately run into John Peck, say our hellos, then split and get free soft drinks (me a Pepsi) and drain them. I get another Pepsi, and someone else who had come from PKI motioned us behind the food building to show us something.

That “Something” turned out to be a ride in Kit-Form! I thought it was a Himalaya, but the guy who brought us back here said no, Rideman went back to get his camera, I snapped photos, I went back and got a third Pepsi.

Both Daves had vanished, so I got on the riding circuit, knowing that in a small park like this you can’t really get lost for long. I rode Tornado in the back seat with a guy who had also come from PKI, introduced himself as Jake. Hi Jake! Before boarding I had seen Dave and Dave leaving the ride.

We got off, rode again, and he went to ride Scrambler while I went to fetch Daves. No luck finding them again, I rode Teddy Bear and then Tip-Top, went back to Tornado, rode for third time, with Jake again who was boarding the back seat again. We got off, rode Teddy Bear, returned to Tornado for another ride or two. He went to the restrooms, and I waited for the others at the Tornado exit. We walked up to get last-minute drinks and I got a hot dog to eat on the way back to PKI, and it was confirmed that the ride back there was no other than Cedar Point’s Schwabinchin! Just before we left another trailer arrived carrying the ride’s center, so we taped that and headed out.

We hit the car, headed back to PKI at about 4PM just after they shut the rides down.


We got back to PKI, parked, and the bathroom urge hit me, hard. I had no choice but to take off, and got through Security, then hit the bathroom outside the turnstiles.

I exited the bathroom and went to reenter, receiving grief because I went to a normal gate with a handstamp. I was sent to the re-entry lane, where I reentered the park. Cell phone clock said 5:00, so I went the scenic route to the picnic grove, riding Adventure Express and walking across Oktoberfest and International Street, through Hanna-Barbera, and meeting up with two other ACErs who could not find the picnic grove. I took them to the grove and we got in line, and we discussed what had gone on so far today. We went into the grove to our shelter, where I found the Daves again. Larry who I had met earlier tapped me on the shoulder and asked how many people in my group, so I responded 3, and he pointed at empty seats where he was seated. I informed the others, and we got drinks and sat down at the table. Others at the table: Sean Flaherty and Howard Gillolly (I know I butchered that name, I apologize.)

We formed two food lines, serving lines that is, and I loaded my plate with a hot dog, macaroni and cheese, dinner rolls and more Coke. I must say, that Mac and Cheese they have is excellent! Hot dogs ain’t bad either, although I heard bad things about the barbecue pork from some of the others.

Just a brief overview of this as I did not record it, my camcorder was almost dead and in my locker.

Carole Sanderson came out, did a brief talk, then Michael Burkes of GOCC came out. Another talk, then they gave a plaque to Maureen and Jeff, then we got introduced to Jeff Gramke or Engineering, who discussed the construction of The Beast, a VERY long talk about that, then we all got goodie bags containing a Beast coffee mug, a Beast clicker ink pen (a REALLY NICE one) and a Beast deck of round playing cards.

Got out goodie bags, we all climbed onto picnic table over to the side of the shelter for a couple group photos (which I still have not seen) and then we took a bathroom break, before coming abck to the shelter. There, Rideman showed Carole Sanderson the Schwabinchin video (I swear, I can never spell that right!) and we also spoke with Jeff Gramke who had a classic quote:

“We don’t like negative Gs”

LOL, I wonder how long before that surfaces as a sound clip used to haunt him!

OK, we left the picnic grove at like 7:25 PM (YIKES!!!) and had to beeline for the Plaque presentation at The Beast.

We walked out into the nearly deserted HB Land (It closes at 7PM for FearFest.) and started to walk up through Nick Central to Rivertown.

Problem! They are not allowing people into that end of Rivertown due to FearFest! So we put our rears in gear and haul butt down past the Eiffel Tower and down that route.

We got there to find a large group of people there, gathered around the sign for The Beast. We gathered in as close as we could, and struggled to hear Carole Sanderson and someone else from ACE speak. Now, they have no PA system here, but why couldn’t they use the one form the Arcade right next to them for a few minutes?

They presented the plaque and had a photo-op with Jeff Gramke and the plaque, so I snapped a photo of Mr. No Airtime with the plaque and then we headed to International Street.

Dave and Dave went out to the car to get pants, stow cameras, and get heavier coats, and I went to my locker. I called my mom and she met me there, and she took my Goodie Bag, and everything out of the locker except for my camcorder, including extra tapes and a pack or two of crackers, plus some other assorted crap, and took it out to the car. $0.75 went into the locker again, and I went to wait for Daves while I sipped Hot Chocolate my mom had brought me. They showed up and we headed into Action Zone

We looked at Delirium, full queue house, and skipped. We ended up going to Son of Beast (ugh, I hope it s running ok)

We got in line for Son of Beast, and walked ALL THE WAY up the ramps to discover a 15 minute of less wait, entirely contained in the station. We went to the last car, they got in the line for 6.2 and I hovered behind them. When there were an even number of people in front of us, I hopped into the line for 6.1 so we would be on the same train, a little later we boarded.


So much for it running OK! The part from the station to the lift hill and then the first drop was ok, then all hell broke loose when we hit the crappy banked turn at the top of the second hill. We got a little relief in the brake run and the loop, then it was running crappy again until the final brakes. Son of Beast is now on my “Do not ride list” for a while.

We exited there and went to Top Gun. We hiked all the way down and Rideman explained the Magnum control system to me, and we discovered an EMPTY STATION for Top Gun. They boarded last car first row and I got in the second row of that car. Just like always, we got a great, short but snappy Top Gun ride, then stayed on for another ride due to the station being empty when we returned.

We unloaded, hiked out, then headed to Delirium. We found it Down Mechanical, so we hovered around for a little while and commented that Sara AB would like the tester seat for her living room.

Howard Gillooly (I know, I keep spelling it wrong) showed up and accused us of breaking it, and when it failed to come back up we bagged on it and went to Adventure Express.

We were greeted with a line almost to the sign, with people bailing out like crazy. Oh well, by the time everyone bails we will have NO LINE to wait though, so we stuck it out. We got to the station, conversing about various things, then chatted with Carole Sanderson in the line for last car, front row. She and another ACEr boarded that seat, then we waited.

And waited.

And we waited some more, until finally a train pulled in….and it was the same train. Oh-Kay, running ONE TRAIN on what is normal a people muncher. One train was on the transfer table, train 3 was still MIA. Daves boarded, took off, and once they got back I rode. I had a great Adventure Express ride, got off, caught up with the others, and took a restroom stop at the restroom by the entrance to Coney MAUL.

We walked to Racer and entered the line for Racer Forwards, they went to 1.1 I went to 1.2 as neither had any line. Next train went out, we analyzed the trains: the lap bars are not locking down as far on them! Red train came back, we boarded, and immediately saw that something had been done to the bars. They were not locking down as far and the return springs felt stronger. Hmmmmmmm!!!

We took off and had an EXCELLENT Racer ride, our lap bars stayed in ONE PLACE the entire ride, no awful torque-lock! This is the most fun I’ve had on Racer for a long time!

We decided to give it the ultimate test: a rear-axle seat. (GASP)

Rideman and I boarded 1.3 of Blue Train (we had ridden in Red Train before) and David Bowers took 4.1.

We climbed the lift, and went down the first drop, all is well. Over hop #1, all is well, then we go over hop #2, and hit the high-G part, and I heard some shall we say colorful language coming from Rideman. I was about to ask what was wrong when we lurched upward and my own bar torqued down BAD. We spent the rest of the ride in considerable pain, and then had a delay entering the station.

I was able to pry myself out by shoving all my weight down on the bar, then it took myself and an attendant to free Rideman from the grip of the bar. We exited the ride and did NOT ride again.

We exited, and I was pretty sore from the torque lock incident. We walked down Coney MAUL toward the Flying Scooters. Time is about 10:30 PM.

As we were walking down the left side of Coney, we walked by Zephyr, where we looked over and saw it come screeching to a stop causing all the swings to crash into each other with considerable force. OUCH!

We continued walking, and got to the Flying Scooters.

We arrived at the Flying Scooters to find NO LINES and from then until about 11:20 PM we had an absolutely wonderful AIRSHOW taking about 7 or 8 rides, then on the last one, I rode in the one remaining tub with Mark (hi Mark!) and showed him my flying skills, and taught him a couple techniques for optimum snapping.

Time: 11:30. HOLY CRAP! We need to be at the Paramount Theater PRONTO. So Mark and I take off absolutely FLYING and stop by my locker to grab my camcorder, then we hauled tail to the theater, where I caught up with Dave and Dave outside, then we proceeded into the theater.

We got in just as they had finished the Friday the 13th thingie for FearFest, and went down and took seats.

The projector was showing all kinds of menus and such feeding onto the screen in the theater, and Rideman was ogling all the options it had, only to find out a few minutes later that it was the DVD player that was feeding the stuff onto the screen. Hehe.

They showed the Italian Job animation, and then the Beast 25th anniversary video “for the fourth and final time in a public setting” which I bootlegged, errr, attempted to, I recorded the Italian Job animation, then got about 5 minutes into the Beast video when the camcorder’s battery died. Darnit…..!

After the movies, they did the Scavenger Hunt stuff, which we didn’t really care about because we did not partake in the Scavenger hunt, then we were lead outside to the Beast ERT.

My mom had said earlier she would be there at midnight to take my camcorder, and she was, so I handed, well, threw the camcorder at her and rejoined the group, and we headed down I-Street, under the Eiffel Tower, and down the path to the Beast, where we had a lanyard check at the entrance, a task made more difficult that usual because we had to unzip our jackets to show the lanyards.

Time: 12:10

We went up to the platform, and Rideman and I boarded, while David Bowers went to wait for another seat. After the first ride, we had to take the long way down the exit and back up, no lanyard check this time, as everyone else had left Rivertown except for a few that were at Tomb Raider in line. However, after Ride #2, they opened the emergency exit up for quick rerides.

After that time, Rideman and I rode about 6 or 7 more times, making for about 8 rides during this ERT session. We also discovered that Train 1 is the best, and Trains 2 and 3 were running badly, with Train 3 being the worst.

We took the next to last ride of the ERT, and when we returned they had dispatched the last ERT train after ours, and the station was empty. We exited and chatted around at the exit for a while, waiting for David Bowers to get out from the last train. We all headed up toward the front gate so security could sweep the park, and I bid farewell to everyone I had met, and headed out to the van which my mom had brought up to Handicapped parking to wait for me.

And so ends my first ACE event! Overall a VERY GOOD day, I hope they make the Fall Freak Out an annual event!

-Donald (PKIDelirium)
Photos are at
Italian Job photos:

See next page for the Supplemental Scavenger Hunt answers.


2004 Fall Freak Out Scavenger Hunt questions, from the forms which I brought home after not partaking in the hunt.


1. There are 22 numbered Paramount stars placed randomly throughout the park. If you find one of these stars, grab it and keep it. Each star is worth one point toward the scavenger hunt.

2. Attached is a number of scavenger hunt questions pertaining to PKI and FearFest. Every answer can be found in the park. Each correct answer is worth one point.

The team with the most points wins.


First Place: Gold Medals, 2005 Gold Season Passes, Beast 25th Anniversary Videos, Beast 25th Anniversary Blanket.

Second Place: Silver Medals, Beast 25th Anniversary Videos.

Third Place: Bronze Medals.

---------------------Begin Questions--------------

Some of you may remember the scavenger hunt from before…your are the lucky ones who know what is in store…As fort he rest of you, I hope you learn fast…those who don’t will surely come in last. Once again try to have fun…and just remember by 5 you must be done.

There is a pumpkin patch in the park.
I wouldn’t enter after dark.
They scare me with their beady green eyes.
How many sinister pumpkins in this patch lie?

This is a place where ghosts can be found,
A haunted attraction all year round.
It’s not that much of hassle,
I just want to know the actual name of this haunted castle.

Graves have been dug all over PKI
And I am looking for the name of one particular guy.
I don’t know the year of his death or birth,
But I so know that his soul still walks the earth

Want to pan for gems or diamonds or gold?
Then go to this local company or so I am told.
Roy is the boss here but he doesn’t work alone.
His apprentice’s name is what I want shown.

This huge coaster is the fastest ride at PKI,
And it has been known to make grown men cry.
On the side of the cars are the letters PSV
What do these letters stand for? Can you tell me?

The back porch bar is a good place for a drink,
But this question may be more difficult than you think.
I am looking for a sign that directs me to Mussel Beach
The cost of admission is how much each?

The poster of a movie that stars Harrison Ford
Is the next item you must head toward.
I can tell you it opened on August the Third
What’s the name of the movie? How don’t spread the word.

I hope you don’t mind blood, guts and gore
Because a haunted attraction is what you are headed for.
It opens at 3, plenty of time before night approaches
What haunted attraction requires you to crawl through hissing cockroaches?

Maverick ro Goose can be your guide.
But in the queue pay attention as you walk to the ride.
Stars seem to be a common theme today.
So how many white stars in blue circles do you see on your way.

I hope none of you are afraid of the dark.
Because this question takes you to another haunted place in the park.
This mansion is sure to give you a scare
Write down the address, and enter if you dare.

This task asks you to find a certain headstone
But this graveyard is haunted so don’t go alone.
Her name is Elizabeth Bradshaw, that is no lie.
But, how old was this woman when she died?

This question involves some Paramount history
The answer to which is not much of a mystery
What movie starred Bob Hope and Lucille Ball?
Write is down quick there’s no time to stall.

Here you can meet a mystery solving mut,
But the kids in line you cannot cut.
Pay particular attention to the background.
What number of bats can be found?

These race cars are like the real thing
A sense of being at Daytona is what they bring.
My favorite car is sponsored by Zest
What color is it? Give me your best guess.

If this hunt you want to win
Go to where this monster is destroying a drive-in.
A set of twins are displaying a sign,
Write down the four letters they have with them, if there is still time

Somewhere in the park is a large German beer stein.
I have never seen another of its kind.
There is a scene the side of this mug is displaying.
In this scene, what instrument is someone playing?

This kiddie coaster is overrun with ghosts
And an elevator lift is one feature it boasts.
A haunted house greets you as you approach the ride.
How many sets of menacing eyes are looking at you from the inside?

Go back to where question 10 led you
This time you must enter to answer the clue
Teo people are being killed in the final room of this place
Keep your eyes open I want to know the two ways.

A message or note is what I am sending
To be good fried E. Spencer the postage is pending.
Where is the mailbox my letter must go?
This is the answer I need to know.

Not the father or the son, but the smallest of three
This attraction is where you want to be.
Upon exiting keep your eyes peeled
What character is on the yellow bench? Now keep your lips sealed.

Abracadabra and Hocus Pocus
The hunt is near over so it is time to focus
Head for a small magic shop and look in the window
What playing card do you see? That’s what I want to know.

This Paramount movie starred Clara Bow,
But the name of the movie I already know.
The associate producer is who I want you to find.
This is the last question so hurry while there is still time.

Wow. I wish I had a long enough attention span to read that novel.

But from what I skimmed, good TR.

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