TR: Erie County Fair(NY) 8-13-02 (readable)

Associated parks:

“Musik Express”

Rides that I went on:

Demon World Darkride (Barbisan/Fabbri)
Double Deck Carousel
Enterprise (Huss)
Musik Express #1 (padded tight lapbar)
Rainbow (Huss)
Remix (KMG)
Thunderbolt (Flying bobs style)
Bumper Cars (possibly Lusse)
Tornado (Wisdom)
Zyklon portable coaster (Pinfari)
Musik Express #2 (metal lapbar)

The rest of the rides present at the fair (I think I got most of them, but might be missing a few, this includes kiddie rides): Construction Zone, Dino Go Round, Family Swinger, Fire Chief, Giant Ferris Wheel, Eli Bridge Ferris Wheel, Go Gator, KMG Fireball, Mini Indy, Jumping Motorcycle umbrella, Pirat, Scooter, Eli Bridge Scrambler, Starship 2000, 2 fun slides one pink and one yellow, 1 giant slide, Tilt a whirl, Top Spin, Wacky Worm Coaster, Wave Swinger, Zipper, Power Jump, Rock Climb, Berry Go Round, Bumper Cars, Kangaroo, Kastle of Evil Walkthrough, Kings Circus Funhouse, Round Up, Visa Bees, Titanic #1, Ghost train darkride, Jurassic Adventure, Red Baron Airplane (or something similar), Carousel, 2 kiddie Himalaya’s.

There were a lot of rides here, this fair had the most rides I have seen out of any fair, there was also a whole section of kiddie rides that I didn’t even go into along with all the rides along the main midway. Lines were also non-existent at this fair, most of the ride ops were sitting around waiting for people to ride the rides, the only rides that had lines were the Zyklon coaster and some of the dark rides, but those lines moved quick. There were also plenty of ride ops; each ride had like 3 ops except for stuff that only really requires one op like the bumper cars. Discount ride bracelets were 13$ each or 15$ at the fair, and ride bracelets are only good during the weekdays, the bracelets were good for all-day rides.

First I must comment on Musik Express #1, this thing was running in INSANE mode, those of you who have ridden the Musik Express at Lesourdsville Lake should know what I am talking about. It was going both forwards and backwards really fast; everything was almost a blur. The ride op was very nice too, he was playing country music on this ride, which impressed me since I love country music and I never thought I would hear a Musik express playing something other than techno. I rode this twice since I liked it a lot. This Musik express was the kind with the padded lapbars, I think these are made by Majestic, this one really didn’t hurt much even after riding it twice in a row. The other Musik Express I believe was by Reverchon, and it just had a locking metal lapbar that wasn’t tight at all, I didn’t like this one very much because it hurt. The Himalaya that I rode I didn’t like at all because it had this metal box thing on the inside of the car I think it was the locking mechanism for the lapbar, and it really really hurt when you got thrown into it on the ride, I could only imagine what this would feel like if there was more than 1 person in the car, I was screaming out in pain for nearly the entire ride. They were also playing ganster rap music on this ride which I don’t particularly enjoy. The next Himalaya type ride was the Thunderbolt, which is a flying bobs style ride. I like these flying bobs style Himalaya type rides more than the actual Himalaya’s, the Thunderbolt also looks very classic, and since I’m a classic flat ride type of person, I liked this about it. The cars needed to be washed on the thunderbolt though, they were quite dirty, the ride seemed to be operating in decent shape though, the cars rocked a lot and they hit the thing that stops the car from rocking many times throughout the ride too. I bet this ride would look nice at night because it seemed like it had a ton of lights on it.

I really liked the Zyklon, it was a fun little coaster, I rode it 3 times. This Zyklon was purple and yellow (yuk!) and looked like it needed a fresh coat of paint. It had white cars with orange lightning bolts on them. The cars didn’t have lapbars, but just an After Burner Cockpit type seatbelt. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a flimsy seatbelt with a small buckle. The ride ops on this ride were also nice, and I think they realized that I was a fan of amusement rides.

I did ride the enterprise but I wasn’t too crazy about it, I wouldn’t open my eyes while I was upside-down. My mom saw someone puke on the midway after riding the enterprise and that was pretty gross even though the person was puking into a garbage can.

Now the bumper cars were a great ride, the cycle was nice and long. I am almost positive that these were the coveted Lusse auto scooter cars, but I was frantically looking for the manufacturer on them but failed to find it, all I could find was the bumper said “made in Italy.” The cars were an off-white color some with blue and some with red stripes on them. I am not sure if these cars were really old or if they were just designed to look old, and they looked, well like Lusse auto scooters. I took a picture of them and I will send it to someone who knows about bumper cars so I can find out if they were the Lusse cars or not. These were probably the nicest condition bumper cars I have seen in a long time, they were very clean and looked like they were well taken care of. I also ended up removing the seatbelts on this ride because I put one around each of my arms and they kept falling off and annoying me, the op didn’t care he was nice.

The Tornado was a good ride, I jumped in a gondola with 3 other people so it wouldn’t be so much work for me to try and spin the car by myself, but I didn’t like the fact that after I got off the ride, there were people fixing stuff on the top of the cars right after I got off, also the ride was shut down for about ½ of the day, but reopened, so I decided to stay away from it. This was one of the rides I rode early in the day.

The KMG remix was another interesting ride that I went on, however I didn’t like this ride, it put way too much gravity on my legs causing them to cramp and messed up my legs for the rest of the day. I won’t go on these again. It was ok until my legs cramped though. The ops also put a plastic step under the seat so you could get up into the seat easier; I don’t know how I would have gotten into the seat without it. The restraints are nice and padded on this ride, but I wouldn’t recommend it for a large person, as this ride is a very tight squeeze. I think it would hurt males a lot more than females.

I ended off the day with the Demon World Darkride. Now I am not intending to offend any dark ride enthusiasts because I know there are quite a few out there. I am also not trying to say that all dark rides are bad. Ok with that said and done, I will now say this ride sucked. It was bad, really pathetic too. It had a whole 3 stunts in it, 2 of them were working, 1 was not working. The one stunt lit up and the other made a quiet noise, that’s about it. The pterodactyl stunt was quite large but it had the cord wrapped around it making it blatantly obvious that it wasn’t working. There was a guy in there that jumped out and tried to scare you too, I didn’t expect to see a human in one of these darkrides. The only other thing in there was spraypainted words on the walls that said “wrong way” and “no left turns”, stuff like that. I got more entertainment out of looking at the nameplates on the stunts and trying to figure out what they were supposed to do than the actual ride. There were also a lot of inspection stickers from different states on this ride, and I enjoyed looking at those, I also enjoyed finding the manufacturer name on one of the stickers (this is an Italian ride yet it has German writing on it). This ride looked really complicated to run as the control box for the ride had a lot of knobs and switches on it, and the op was feverishly turning the knobs and switching the switches.

I had a really fun time at the fair, and I definitely got my money’s worth by buying the discount ride bracelet.

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