TR: Drop Zone Video Shoot (5/16)

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If you read my trip report about the Son of Beast video shoot, then you already know about the changes that happend to the shoot at the last minute. If you haven't read it, then what are you waiting for! =:^)

This morning I arrived at the park at 7:45AM and greeted some enthusiasts that were already at the park waiting. I quickly notified everyone of the changes in case they didn't hear about them in advance. To my surprise once again, only one person would leave. Everyone wanted to ride Drop Zone, although we were still a few people shy of a full ring of riders.

Last night before I went to sleep, I got a few unpleasant phone calls. A couple of people sounded insulted that I changed the plans around so Drop Zone was being taped on Thursday (which by the way, I didn't change the plans). I won't comment on exactly what they said but I found it quite humorous in a way. The way I look at it, if you are going to a video shoot looking for ERT for yourself, then perhaps you need to reconsider coming.

Luckily, everyone was in great moods today and was looking forward to the shoot Everyone was very enthusiastic. I met up with some more people I had never met before. After signing more release forms, we were escorted back to Drop Zone and soon were riding.

Ahhhh! There's nothing like being woken up by a 267 free fall. Since there were some seats still open, a few employees rode with us including some first time riders. We got in about 5 rides or so before lunch, and then about 5 more after lunch. The woman that did the play by play was fantastic! Wait until you see her expressions while dropping. We got to watch some of the footage and it's priceless. Once again, some very unique angles were being used and I can't wait to see the final product.

After the shoot a few of us were picked to do an interview. Each person basically had to describe Drop Zone and what it felt like riding it. Since I knew all the stats about the ride, they asked me to describe the ride using the stats. This felt so odd to me because I normally don't talk THAT much in detail to reporters unless asked. I think I did a pretty bad job because I was jacking up stats every so often but the crew said I did fine. I guess we will see if the interview makes the show (dreading the day).

After we were interviewed, David Mandt drove us out to the parking lot and thanked us for coming. Tomorrow is an EXTREMELY early day for me so time to get some more sleep. If should be noted that as with the previous two days of the shoot, free tickets to come back any day are being handed out from the park for those attending the shoot.

-Thanks for reading


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