TR: Busch Gardens Physics Day 2-27

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The Mole's avatar
Physics day is when parks start to realize: “Hey, kids are still in school, they aren’t doing anything, and they aren’t coming to our parks yet. Why don’t we put on something mildly educational, bus in the kids, and collect the money!”

Busch Gardens is no different. The two central VA parks both run Physics Day activities, but Busch is by FAR the best. Physics Day consists of stupid paper work, inane physics shows, and riding awesome coasters (guess which one I liked.)

The day started off normal, I had to go to school and do some things, then I hopped on the bus with the other douc…. I mean, great students. Then we had the great 1+ hour bus ride to Busch, which they passed watching Remember the Titans (I guess they need reminding that integration was a good thing…) while I listened to Mezmerize on my iPod, followed by American Idiot and Dookie (no comment about my musical taste.) After the buses parked it was yet again hell, as tickets were distributed to about 120 kids.

I followed the signs to the big new ride, DarKastle, but then found what could only be the biggest brain fart in park design EVER. In order to get to the ride, they pointed the signs around Pompeii, through Italy, past Big Bad Wolf, and then to DarKastle. I could see the reasoning, but the problem was that section was closed till 11am. It wasn’t 11am. BAD MOVE. So I back tracked, went past Lock Ness, that Dragon thing, then to DarKastle. The inside que was totally full, but the wait was only 45 minutes. The que really is very nice, not Indiana Jones amazing and brilliant, but very good. Inside the gardens there are no switch backs in the traditional sense at all, instead it’s all circles, angles, and lots of shrubs. Nice shrubs too, must have gotten a good shrubber to do all the work. ;) After roaming around the line a bit, we then go to the second level, which is a.) covered b.) in AC c.) means we are VERY close to the ride. As I get up there, I see out by the giant wolf statue that two BG employees are near the emergency exit door. No one passed out, quite the opposite infact, the much talked about free bottles of water was happening. Yes, they are STILL doing it. Hundreds of bottles were handed out, enough for everyone in line practically. This is a good PR move on Busch Garden’s behalf, as happy guests in line make happy guests exiting the ride, which makes happy people tell others about their happy time.

The DarKastle experience starts in the holding pen area, where you hear some things, see cool wallpaper, then go inside to the pre-show. As you enter there are two tapestries on either side, with a giant painting in the middle. Soon the painting comes alive and tells you about the way-too-drawn-out-too-complicated-for-this-ride-backstory. Two things to remember, a.) ghosts want to help you b.) wolves are bad c.) main guy is bad. Then the tapestry on the left hand side rises up and we see the loading area that is the stable for sleighs. The whole set-up reminds me of Test Track a bit, with the pre-show emptying into another line where someone directs you to ride vehicles. The vehicles seat 8, and while not as big as Spider-Man’s, they are no laughing manner either, as they can do everything Spider-Man’s vehicles can do. Soon you are off. I won’t spoil anything, but it’s very fun, very well done, not as good as Spider-Man, but VERY close. 9/10

Next up is Apollo’s Chariot. First coaster of the new season, it doesn’t disappoint. 8/10 Soon after it’s time for Alpengheist, which is another awesome coaster, 9/10.

Then came the stupidest thing in a long time. I can’t describe it, but it was the Funky Physics Show. No, I did not make that up. Think of physics professor doing things that you can do at home, not really explaining them, all done to the “latest” bad songs. Pictures soon. :)

Finally is Nessie, great as always, 7/10.

We had to leave soon after, but I plan on going again and doing a full day.

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