TR: ARN&R Coney Con 5/15/05

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Quickie TR: Coney Island ARN&R ConeyCon1

Hung out with:
Adam 'lonnol' Sandy, Dave 'Flare' Fraser, Ed 'Chillforce' McInerney, Rob Ascough, Martha 'Stilleto' Andrews and the annoymous forces behind ARN&R with their bounty of bodyguards

Rides (with highlights):
Cyclone - 6 rides - Cyclone is still running very smooth this year (except for hill 5) and while I felt it was a little sluggish early in the day it definitely picked up some speed as the day progressed.

TopSpin2 - 2 rides - TS2 was truly the hit of the day for me - the Astroland operators have really improved their skills on this manually operated masterpiece of German maniacalism. I took two rides back to back, which left me a little shaky - but it really is an amazing ride.

Astroland Bumper Cars - 1 ride

Dante's Inferno - 1 ride

Zipper - 1 ride - It took a while for them to get it going as one of the drive tires had a flat and had to be repaired - thus Flare never got his ride, as he had to exit early. My Zipper ride was nowhere near as intense as my very first ride a few weeks ago, but nonetheless enjoyable and insane (not to mention the falling debris from the ride).

B&B Carousel - 1 ride - great as always - always relieved to see it open

El Dorado - 2 rides - bump, bump, bump your ass off - I consider this to be one of Coney's secret gems that people never seem to get to. Great bumper

Saturn 6 - 1 ride - was running well and very enjoyable - I like the fact that it's more about the airtime and less about the laterals. I'm glad that I was able to convince people to ride it with me.

Wonder Wheel - 1 ride

Spook-A-Rama - 1 ride - seemed to have a few new stunts, but it's still in sad shape - considering that it's 50 years old this year I was hoping Deno's would put a little effort into it (but I should know better).

Subway - took Ed and Adam on a quickie F train ride from the Stillwell station to the 8th street station so they could get a good look at the almost-complete Stillwell station - For 2 bucks it's probably the cheapest ride at Coney and most impressive ride station to boot!

Ate: Sausage hero and Corn on the Cob from Pete's Clam house

What can I say the weather held out and a truly great day was had. It was great to be around a bunch of enthusiasts who were just as happy to ride great flats as they are to ride a great coaster.

Long Live the Saturn 6!

Jim 'jimvid' McDonnell *** Edited 5/16/2005 1:58:31 PM UTC by jimvid*** *** Edited 5/16/2005 1:59:21 PM UTC by jimvid*** *** Edited 5/16/2005 1:59:55 PM UTC by jimvid***

rollergator's avatar
Thanks for the TR I'm even more bummed I couldn't attend...;)

"German maniacalism"? I have GOT to ride that!

Sorry to hear Dave missed the Zipper, just *spectating* while he flips the car again and again, and again, is a trip in itself...

Agreed re: El Dorado, the ops really know how to launch you into an, wreck....not really an accideent when it's on purpose, LOL...:)

bill, too sure that Sppok-A-Rama could use a little love from our *DAFE* friends...

P.S. No mention of a Nathan's original? For shame!

*** Edited 5/16/2005 2:50:35 PM UTC by rollergator***


Nothing against Nathans, and it's a must if you've never been there...BUT Pete's Clam House and Paul & Gregorys are just as good, never as busy, half the price PLUS good service - I'll save my money for more rides!

Long Live the Saturn 6!

Jim 'jimvid' McDonnell

Mamoosh's avatar
Jim - please stop posting your Coney TRs. With each one I get more and more jealous of how close you live to the area ;)

mOOSH [relax, people...he knows I'm kidding]

Sorry to rub salt into the wound but I agree that yesterday was a lot of fun. Despite the fact that I was there a few weeks ago, yesterday was a day of many "firsts" for me: Saturn 6 (too much fun to put into words), Astroland's Top Spin 2 (too sick to put into words) and a Zipper (too strange to put into words). The weather was gorgeous and I can't think of a better group of people to have spent the afternoon with. I was going to write a TR but Jim pretty much said it all!

Besides Moosh, what are you jealous of? We may have Coney Island but you have Magic Mountain! ;)

*** Edited 5/16/2005 8:13:57 PM UTC by Rob Ascough***

rollergator's avatar
Rob sez: "We may have Coney Island but you have Magic Mountain!"

Now THAT is rubbing salt into the wound, Rob! ;)

Wow, I really wan't sure wheather or not there really was a ARN&R Con or someone like me would show up and be badly fooled.

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.

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