Tough Decision

Ride of Steel's avatar
Hey all, I was wondering if you can help me out a bit.

I have planned my 15th b-day party to be at SFDL this Sunday. I'm bringing five of my friends and we are hoping to have a great time. However since SROS is most like going to be down (any opinions about that?) I've been sort of wondering if its worth going.

The problem is
1. Finding a weekend where my friends can go
2. Knowing when Superman will reopen.

Maybe we'll be lucky and Superman will be open but I doubt it. It's a 2 hour drive, so its not like its right next store, in that case I wouldn't hesitate to go.

What would you do if you were me?


Superman open, probably not.

Why not go to Martin's Fantasy Island, and Marineland instead.

it's going to be a while before it reopens since the trains are going to get new seatbelts. I would still go since there are other rides there.
Mamoosh's avatar
Don't look for any of the three Supermen to be open anytime soon. I suspect not before July 4th. The modifications are not going to happen's not as if SF or Intamin has all those new lap bars sitting around somewhere.

If you enjoyed SFDL before they had Superman why wouldn't you go with Superman closed?


Ride of Steel's avatar
Why would it take so long to just change the seatbelts?
well sometimes the park has to ship out the trains to get the seatbelts installed. think just to shorten the seatbelts they would ship the trains to Switzerland?

Folks, I think we've found the root of SF Inc.'s financial woes!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
joe.'s avatar
Ship them out? Possibly to Intamin's US facilty (if it is more than just an office), or they'd do the belts on site. After all, parks do tear down the trains every off-season. Their mechanics should be competent.
I got extra Tickets to the Royals game here in KC on Sunday! let me know if you can make it.

Assumption of Command -
I hope S:ROS at SFNE is open by june 8 on my coaster trip. The good mechanics at SFNE should have Superman going by then.
I wouldn't count on that, man. Sorry....SFNE will be lucky if SROS is open by July 4th. There's more in store for it than seatbelt mods.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Mamoosh's avatar
Do any of you read the News Section on CBuzz? It's more than seatbelts being changed:

"We are currently conducting the engineering to modify the lapbar to fit more securely and restrict those individuals who may be too large to be safely accommodated by the existing restraint system. We also are looking into extending the seat bottoms forward to improve rider position and further enhance the effectiveness of the restraints. By extending the seat bottom, we will help ensure riders maintain the proper position for the duration of the ride cycle."

These are not an easy, overnight fixes. Don't look for these coasters to be open anytime soon.

Having read the six flags release, it sounded to me as though they were hoping to shorten the belts ASAP, but redesign the seats/bars "later". However, screamscape (I know, I know...) claimed today that superhero celebration is being rescheduled to late Augustish---but the park is not promising that S:ROS will be open even then.

So, it looks like 'moosh gets to wear the "I'm right and you're wrong" button today.

Mamoosh's avatar
Even if they don't end up changing the lap bar and extending the seats they're looking into it and conducting the engineering. That alone isn't a quick process.

I just don't think people should get their hopes up.

Perhaps you should wear the "I'm a little black raincloud" button instead. :)

I can't help but think, if they can do it, they will have sros running again by memorial day weekend, seeing as they will lose lots of business without it. SFNE has a couple of other decent rides (sadly, i have my season pass thru there). but as for going to SFDL, i would still go. i was there a couple of years ago and they have several other coasters that make it worth the trip! we only made it on sros once when i was there because of the line, but still had a great day!!! sros is just one of only 3 great rides at SFNE and leaves a big ole gap in the day there. go to SFDL!!!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Brian ;)
Six Flags is probably going to be real cautious in whatever they do and take all the time that they feel they need.

SFA has previously changed the seat belts on their SROS. The trains did not leave the park. However, if I recall correctly there was a delay in the delivery of the belts that delayed the opening of the ride that year. One of the trains sat for weeks after the park opened because the parts came so late that the park worked to get one train going then worked on the second as mechanics time allowed.

In other words, past history woule lead us to expect that we shouldn't expect the seat belts to arrive real soon

Hmmm. Could this be why Millenium Force's red train is out of commission?

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Crap. I was going to SFA this weekend and looked forward to ROS. Oh well...........get it next time. :-/


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