Topic About Wild and Crazy Kids

Why was my topic about Wild and Crazy Kids deleted? I am simply asking out of curiosity and puzzlement. I'd like to know so I can avoid the same mistake of posting something that will get deleted.

don't feel bad, they do it to me all the time.



If I'm not mistaken, "they" don't do it to you. If it is taken away completly instead of having it just be closed, than it automatically gets taken away. If it goes against the TOS, that is what happens.

RubberDucky said:
If I'm not mistaken, "they" don't do it to you. If it is taken away completly instead of having it just be closed, than it automatically gets taken away. If it goes against the TOS, that is what happens.

Hahahahaha oh my! I cant believe I'm taking the time out to respond to this, but nothing that you just stated in your post made absolutely any sense whatsoever. I dont know if its just me and Iv gone down syndrome or something or maybe your speaking a different language. But hey you can an "E" for effort from Dante. *hands the golden E

I am saying the MODs don't always delete the topics. Topics that completly disapeer are automatically taken away because they violate the TOS. This is if I remember correctly anyways.

BTW-Thanks for being a Jerk about really made my day. Just goes to show ya what thanks you get when you try and help someone these days...

*** This post was edited by RubberDucky on 8/22/2002. ***

If you have a problem, email Jeff or one of the mods. This is not the place to discuss.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Closed topic.

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