I guess no one likes to be optimistic
Top Thrill Dragster: 15 seconds is long enough to piss your pants
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Oberster Nervenkitzel Dragster: 15 Sekunden ist lang genug, Ihre Hose zu pissen!
*** This post was edited by RideTTD2003 8/21/2003 12:13:11 PM ***
Thanks to all of you for your sarcasm, its good to know that you people don't care that the shirt might be hinting something.
Maybe if there weren't TTD-this, TTD-that topics everyday, more people would care.
"I don't like anyone's balls to roll..." - Koaster King
A friend of mine got a whole bunch of tee shirts real cheap since the manufacturer misspelled the name of his bicycle shop. I personally had a shirt maker that forget to send me the embroidery proof and conseqeuntly wound up making me 100 shirts with a spelling error that I had to reject.
Closed topic.