Top Thrill Dragster Stacking with 6 Trains?

I have never saw Millie run less then 3 besides when all 3 trains arent on site. I have saw Raptor and Maggie run 2 Once in the countless of times I have been at the Point. I have never ever ever ever saw Mantis run 1 train.

75% of the time they run 3 trains on Corkscrew and ID for cryin out loud sending out trains half empty.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

Maggie, Millie,... Draggie?

'out the 100Base-T, through the router, down the OC3, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall......nothin' but Net.

MagnumForce, I'll buy you lunch on opening day if there isn't at least one unloading zone in the turnaround. Deal?

- John
Dag, yo
Support Rob in the Great DDR Challenge!

You got it John

Cheese on a Stick and Happy Friar Fries. ;)

I just don't see why they would need to unload there. they will have 80 seconds to unload and load what basically amounts to a 32 person train. Maggie does the same in 60 seconds and 4 more people.

And Fried Chicken Man;) , they are all people to me.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 1/20/2003. ***

They will probably run 6 on busy days and 4 at slower times. Won't run odd numbers.

Peabody said:
I don't think they decide how many trains to run just because it's a day like Tuesday. I've been there on many Tuesdays over the last few years.

Kind of, but not exactly. They have predictions for park attendance on that day and plan accordingly for the number of trains. Of course, it it goes above or below their estimates, they can adjust accordingly.

Timberline Twister: Knott's may not have a B&M, but they do have a B&K.

Coaster_Enthusiast said:
I know that on Tuesdays for a fact, that they usually do not operate at full capacity. Millennium Force runs 2, Mantis runs 1(maybe 2), Raptor usually runs 2(3 a lot), and Magnum runs 2.

I must have been on some other Magnum crew in '01 that ran three trains all day every day (including Tuesdays) from May 30 - August 24! :) In most cases during the height of the summer, CP will open in the morning with their rides at full capacity and then only if it is extremely dead, remove trains. There are some exceptions such as Gemini and Mine Ride which need to have full trains to avoid rollbacks and such. MF ran two opening day last year also and has a train off for maintenance for an hour or two at a time, but it usually runs three as well. I have never seen Raptor run with less than three nor have I seen Mantis running one. Supposedly there are some days in May where they run one or two on Magnum and probably less on others too, but I can assure you, it is probably pouring rain, freezing cold, and less than 5,000 people in the park! :) Any day during the height of the summer, they will be at full capacity unless there is some sort of problem.

I don't know if they'll be able to pull off six trains on opening day, but assuming everything is set with the computer system and such, I don't see why not. CP wouldn't have bought six trains if they weren't going to use them! :)

2001 Magnum Crew

Oblivion at Alton Towers operates in a similar way (with 2 trains together). It also sometimes runs an odd number of trains, all that happens is that trains are paired up with different trains at the beggining and end of the ride!
ApolloAndy's avatar
So which "double block" will the bottleneck? The launch or the load or unload?


Kinda reminds me of Spidermant at IOA. Two cars loading at at time. I was amazed at the capacity of Spidermant even though it wasn't needed on the day I visited.

Chuck, saying that is a very good sysetem

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

I'm sure Top Thrill will be running all six if they're actually put together right.

I'm interested to see how well the Magnum trains are put together on opening day this season. Does anybody remember last year when some of the lap bars wouldn't raise or lower? Apparently there was a girl who had to take an extra lap or two while the maintenance people got over there to let her out.

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling on 1/22/2003. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
The only tradeoff I can see is very similar to Wicked Twister: to get this capacity, the ride needs to be properly staffed. If there aren't at least two operators per side per train, 1500 is a pipe dream, especially if TTD will adopt Xcelerator's policies.

Scott W. Short, "A-Lister"

I don't really see why CP would adopt such a - well let's be honest - stupid policy. I mean honestly - what is the point with Knott's doing things that way? So they can get a moving start when they ram the thing into a guest's you know whats? Anyone who has been stapled on MF know's that's not really necessary! :) I'm guessing that each train will have 4 people on it so there will be 8 people on the platform plus a control person (this ride might even need more than one).

And Michael, I do remember the state of Magnum's trains on opening day last year and it was sad. :( Hopefully they'll do a better job this year. The good part was that they got them fixed by the time I went back to the park in late May. I always remember the same lapbars giving us problems over and over throughout the season - I think red ejector seat was one and there were a few others in 2001.

2001 Magnum Crew

Legend_n_Raven said:

To anyone complaining about stacking, think about the anticipation you will have sitting on the block before the launch, watching the other train blast out.


What I'm wondering about is how much of an expletive will the 2nd train let out on the occassions that the 1st train doesn't make it over the hill - and comes blasting back down the track at 120 MPH.

Yes, I know there are plenty of safety brakes to stop it, but if I were sitting in that second train as the first starts to drop back towards our train I think I'd have a few choice words, if not uncontrolled bodily functions, as the train flew back to earth.

Especially if I were in the front car...

rollergator's avatar
ShivTim...I just don't see CP adopting Knott's policies. Sure, they'll be SAFE, but they will also STAFF rides properly and run them the same as CP ever has....capacity is king! That's what has gotten CP the rep that it has, and I don't see it changing something that has been SO successful for them....
ShiveringTim's avatar

I hope you're right about that. I keep telling myself that Knott's is really an outlier on this sort of thing due to the Plunge incident, but sometimes you just never know.

CP has a history of loosening their somewhat strict policies in the beginning of a ride's first season (MF, Woodstock, WT, PT, for example) after they get an idea of how the ride runs and what is actually necessary. I foresee them starting a no loose items policy like they use today on MF, WT, and Corkscrew, plus a no glasses rule. Unfortunately, I also see them using the Knott's platform policy of the double pass (seatbelt check, then lapbars lowered by attendant). On the plus side, I can see them relax some of those like the glasses rule and the platform policy by Coastermania.

Here's to wishful thinking!

Scott W. Short, "A-Lister"

I was just at KBF last week and the only seat where they stapled me was in the front. Anywhere else I sat they let me pull down the restraint and checked it just like any other lap bar. Nobody ever said a word. For the front seat they specifically told me not to touch the restraint. It was the same crew, so I have no idea why they treated the seats differently. I just wanted to say that I had no problem whatsoever with the "stapling" at KBF. Hopefully we won't have a problem with TTD.
ShiveringTim's avatar
That's good news. As I said, policies change over time. When I rode Xcelerator back in June this was the policy I ran into. It only makes sense that they're less stringent with that policy. Do they allow glasses on the ride or fanny packs in line now??

Scott W. Short, "A-Lister"

Michael Darling said:
"I'm interested to see how well the Magnum trains are put together on opening day this season. Does anybody remember last year when some of the lap bars wouldn't raise or lower? Apparently there was a girl who had to take an extra lap or two while the maintenance people got over there to let her out."

Her name, as it turns out, was Heather, and depending on who you talk to, it was nine, ten, or eleven laps in seat 6-2 of the red train. I documented the story in my trip report for that day. :)

Scott: You really think they'll try an eyeglass ban on the new ride, knowing how much a few of us will pitch a fit? I figure they'll go with the 'must be secured' policy in place for Power Tower and Wicked Twister (and for a few days, on Millennium Force).

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

rollergator's avatar

The eyeglass ban on Xcelerator was ABSOLUTE. And there is NO discussion of any kind, or the ride ops will POP you with their stun guns....;)

Seriously, I doubt that policy would last long at CP since they are concerned about Knott's, with little if any real line, time spent on this kind of thing isn't the problem it WOULD be at CP.....IMO.

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