Top Gun @ PGA or Batman @ SFMM?

I'm curious to know since i have only been on top gun and i am planning on taking a trip to SFMM this summer. Also, are there any elements on Batman that are as intense as that last helix over the water on Top Gun?
I think you will find Batman much more intense than Top Gun! I rode TG for the first time last October, and after other B&M inverts, it was a bit of a disapointment. Batman may be short (although much longer than TG), but it is intense, has wonderful pacing, and is fun!

I think you'll love it!
- Peabody
I perfer Top Gun to Batman, but not because it's more or less intense than Batman, it just has a better, more spread out layout IMO. I like the way it runs over the queue line, and the showstopping helix over the water. I've ridden both hundreds of times, and I guess Top Gun has become more special to me over the years. I still love Batman of course.
I've actually ridden both. Top Gun has that nice effect over water in its finale run. But other than that, it was very short and is indeed ranked below Batman: The Ride in my preference. Batman: The Ride has two more inversions, very compact so it produces amazing positive Gs for an inverted, and the theming is just as or even more splendid than Top Gun's. Batman: The Ride also showcases smog filled trenches/ditches where the the train dives into two of these during the duration of the ride.
Having just ridden both coasters last week, I'll say Batman is the better coaster. Top Gun's finale is AMAZING, but the whole ride is pretty short, and the middle kinda just wanders around. Both are great rides, but I'll take Batman.

"Yes if by crestfallen you mean KILL US!" -- Homer J. Simpson
I live near Great America so people may think im partial to Top Gun, but thats not the case. I do love top gun, as i do all B&M creations, but i must say Batman features a more compact and twisted layout. As for teh smoke effects on Batman, Top Gun used to release fog on the "flight deck" as the trans would leave, very cool.But in the end its hard to beat....THE BAT CAVE cue.
I've ridden both numerous of times, and while B:TR is longer, with more inversions and a hipper queue, TG was smoother-they're both first-class.

The Northwest will Join the Best-in 2003!!!
Hey Legendary..How was your trip out west? And where's your TR??

Dayuum, Your HOT!
janfrederick's avatar

I've ridden both many times. Batman is indeed better. Top Gun has a better layout, but is a lot shorter too. Also, Batman is more twisted. And the main problem with Top Gun is that you can't jump out and ride the Riddler's Revenge next door!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
i like top gun. coasters dont have to be longer to be better. i say top gun is short and sweet! the helix over the water is amazing and so is the first drop.

are you ready to go vertical?...V2 SFMW 2001 ...
That's the other thing, I agree with you hypersonic, I perfer Top Gun's straight drop to Batman curving drop.

1)Fire Dragon
2)Top Gun
janfrederick's avatar
Well...technically, Top Gun's drop curves too...just not as many degrees.

And I actually prefer Batman's ending...It's very disorienting.

But ok ok....The water is nice.

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.

Coasterr said:
"Hey Legendary..How was your trip out west? And where's your TR??"

Heh, I had a *fantastic* trip. Almost everything went my way...except for me losing my cell phone on Medusa SFMW and destroying my camera at Disneyland. I guess the TR's will be on their way soon, I didn't realize anyone was interested in hearing about my trip. ;)

"Don't you hate pants?"
Of course we want a TR! I have ridden Top Gun many times and Batman once. You can't go wrong with eithier. There different Top Gun rides like a hyper almost even though its half as small. The G's reminded me of when I was on Goliath in that helix. Top Gun's elements are all G's and speed and it does accomplish that! They both are themed well but Batman's is real cool! Batman is for the riders that love loopyness and Top Gun for riders that love the G's and speed.

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