Too many brakes?

I'm curious what rides people know of that have too many brakes to really be good. For me the Mean Streak takes the cake; I've heard it was really good when it was fast. I know the Beast used to have lots of brakes, but now it's as fast and as wild as ever.

I wish parks would lay off the brakes and let the rides really provide some excitement and maybe even some danger (insert CBC plug here). I know it's hard on the ride, but couldn't they be designed to handle it?
We've had plenty of discussion and explanation of the why's and where's of trims. Go back and read those threads.
This is no way downs the ride, and I've never ridden it, but from watching Apollo's Chariot on my Coaster DVD, it looked like there were small trim brakes here and there, as well as a mid-course brake run.
Dutchman, could you be so kind as to post the links to those threads? I've searched for them and I just get a list of 100's of topics, none of which seem to be specific to braking. Otherwise, if others are having the same problem searching as I am then maybe we can have another discussion on it for anyone who didn't see the previous stuff. Thanx
yeah, we've discussed this a hundred times before. I'll put it simple. The reason Mean Streak is braked so much is because it was very rough and basically the park doesn't want anyone hurt. I agree, I liked it the way it was, but they don't base it on a few comments by us crazy people who like a wild coaster. It's more of a concern as a whole. Do you understand? If you want more stuff, I'll try to find the threads. They were very extensive. They are all under general forums.

Shawn Bailes
Webmaster of Coasters R Us
Even though I'm sure it has already been discussed to death in many other posts, I can't resist mentioning the Hersheypark Comet, just incase it was never brought up before. There is a major trim on the second turn around the absolutely kills the second half of the ride. Years ago, I remember the out-and-back run of speed hills to be rather exciting... never as good as the Phoenix or Great Escape Comet, but fun nonetheless. When I was at Hershey this fall, the trims ruined that final part of the ride.
American Eagle, SFGAm.
Where it says search at the bottom of this thread type in "trim brakes" and read to your hearts content.
One coaster that I can think of that has way too many brakes is American Eagle, the helix was so much better before they put them in. Also I don't understand why so many coasters are adding additional trim brakes on their coasters or make the coasters just about come to a complete stop.
I agree with Rob by saying the brake on the second turn on the Comet just kills the rest of the ride. I never remember the ride without that break, but from what others tell me it was a lot better before.

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