To young coaster enthusiasts! Ride safety!

I am just wondering with some government officials trying to pass laws over coaster safety if your parents are taking this whole safety issue seriously? We read Jeffs editorial on this and I must say he squashed any perception that coaster riding is unsafe. If your parents are taking this issue seriously please tell them to read Jeffs editorial so they can understand that this whole unsafety thing is complete and utter nonsense. Accidents happen in this world with everything we decide to accomplish and coasters just add to that mold.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
My mom laughed at it. She thinks it's great the way it is, and he proves a good point (Jeff, of course!)

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey!
I'm sixteen but my mom always tells me she would rather me not go on coasters so much but she knows that even though it seems like they're not, they are safe(whatever that means), and that in the end she can't really control if I go, because she knows I love em so much.
Matt B
Maybe we should enact helmet laws for riding roller coasters.
OMG Camel, that pic is hilarious! I never notice that pic on Joyride.

Dayuum, Your HOT! *** This post was edited by Coasterr on 6/8/2001. ***
ROFLMAO! The helmet picture. Yep, they're optional!

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
*** This post was edited by The Jet Coaster on 6/8/2001. ***
I am going to wear a bright pink helmet at The Point next Wednesday. We might also bring some masks along for some on-ride photos.

Third Annual Coaster Crew CP Trip '01: 6/13
"Better than Christmas"
I love Coasters and im 16 years old. my parents always take me to parks as long as i do what i have to. they have been taking me to parks since i was 5 years old from sesamie place to disney to kiddie parks to even Astro land for my 8th birthday to ride the Coney Island Cyclone. and then when i was 11 they started taking me to bigger parks like SFGAdv dorney park and hershey. and till this day i still do and i grew up loving parks coasters are somthing difrent i dident like them till i was 11 anyways my parents have nuthing wrong with parks and still take me. even all the way to OHIO from NYC to ride MF and go to Cp and SFO (at the time) (now SFWOA)
I have a daughter who is only seven, and is coming to the US in three weeks time to ride over 136 coasters (height "54"). If we cotton wool our child when are they going to have fun. There is risk in everything we do, from walking across the street to travelling on trains and planes. That's why coasters cost so much, safety issues have to be calculated in forms of G's, body movement, plus track and braking issues. If you allow you child to eat Mc Donalds and Soda's your probably causing more problems in later life for them than any coaster could do. O.K. coasters breakdown, however so do planes, trains and you only have to look at ford's call for all firestone tyres to be removed to see that everything can break. The chances of any normally healthy person die-ing on a coaster is est 1,000,000,000/1 or in short hand you got more of a chance in meeting Elvis or Jesus. So just get out and enjoy what the designers and park have develop for us, because they have been tested upon tested upon tested to meet the necessary safety requirements for us the riders to enjoy......

Live your Life On the Edge
Or Live Life Over the Edge.
Either way make sure its on a coaster

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