To you PGA regulars, I have a few questions.

Well. the main question I have is the land availability on the far right side of the park. I have seen pics where it looks like PGA's parking lot winds around into that area more than SFGAm's. Would PGA have enough land to construct a new themed area like SFGAm did when they created Southwest Territory?

Next question: Is it true that the city of Santa Clara took ownership of the park the first year when Marriott sold it? If thats true, did the park operate that year?

Besides Paramount, did any other company show interest in purchasing the park? Did Six Flags put their name in the purchasing hat since they bought the one in Gurnee, Ill? I am thinking possibly not considering the relative closeness of SFMW.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

PGA's parking lot is as large as the park itself lol. A small part of it will be used next year to house a big new attraction, but there is quite a bit of room on that side of the park, more then anyone could have known. Enough for a whole themed area? I'm not sure. How much room do Intamin hypers take up? ;)

Six Flags did take a look at the park, but ultimately didn't like the growth prospect of the park, Santa Clara is one of the largest business cities in the US, and they felt the park would be crushed by it.

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From what I see, they are using part of the parking lot area in front of Top Gun for upcoming construction, which is good because nobody ever liked parking out by the sagebrush and PGA is one of the few parks that could actually benefit from a parking lot coaster. For the past ten years, Top Gun has been all there is to great you, and though it is a wicked inverted, it looks bland upon arrival for many. They need to repaint Top Gun or add to the park's front skyline. The first impressions and last impressions stay in the patrons head more than any other experience in the park incuding the coaster rides themselves.

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There USED to be land available that could have accommodated a Southwest Territory-style expansion. You can see that it was wide open many years ago:

Today, that land has mostly been sold off and is occupied by Nortel Networks' office buildings.

Six Flags did not want the Santa Clara park, only Gurnee. SFMW, of course, was not SFMW at that time. In fact, it was located much nearer to Santa Clara back then. The original Marine World was located in Redwood City, just up the freeway from Great America. Although it was not a ride park, it still presented some competition to Great America. Marine World Africa USA later moved to Vallejo, where it eventually became Six Flags Marine World

When there was no buyer for the Marriott park, the city of Santa Clara stepped in to purchase it. They hired Kings Entertainment to manage the park. Later, the city sold the park, but not the land it occupies, to Kings. Kings later was taken over by Paramount.


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