Tired of long lines at Magic Kingdom? Now, there's an app for that

Posted | Contributed by jshorerzd

Brent Pope, 44, was laid off from his job at an ad agency few months ago, so he decided to do something about it. He developed "Wait Times" — an iPhone application that will tell you how long the lines are at the Magic Kingdom. Approved for sale by Apple on Tuesday, the "app" depends on other users to supply wait-time information. They choose from a list of rides and then enter or view the wait for that ride. The more information people report, the more useful Pope's 99-cent app becomes.

Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.

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ridemcoaster's avatar

Mvog200 said:

It's here:

Well that link is only useful *if* you have iTunes installed. If you are on a govt' PC as I am.. Just gives you the "install iTunes" page.

However searching around, its interesting to see the comments ranging from pretty "cool/awsome" to "it crashes my iPhone!". Even though its .99, i will be a wait and see app install. Plus I have to save storage space for my Myst and Wolf 3D game app. :)

LostKause said:
Great Idea! We talked about that kind of thing a while ago. While I'll not comment on the ride reservation subject, I really like the idea of looking at your i-phone for line lengths. It would help all the lines in the park even out.

A few parks (IOA) have had signs that told the current line lengths for major attractions. I still have no idea why that never caught on.

I think the reason it has not caught on (as an official park app) is if you leave say the hulk and see the ride time on dueling dragons is 20 minutes so you head over to find a tourist group has walked in line while you were headed there and the line is now a hour.
As long as this is an unofficial app there will be no complaints to the park. Also most posted wait times are 20-30 minutes even when walk on for this reason.


DaveStroem's avatar

sws said:

DaveStroem said:
^ you have an evil mind. I love it. :p

Pssst...I'll let you in on my secret plan to take over the world if you promise not to tell anyone. ;)

^ Disney World I am assuming.

Last edited by DaveStroem,

I was surprised that Disney didn't have this already. Universal, on the other hand, has a lovely mobile webpage that has up-to-the minute wait times and upcoming show times:

ApolloAndy's avatar

I seriously doubt that this information will have an impact on the actual line time. How many people will use it and how many people would be willing to change their plan completely because of it? I would bet that even if you posted that Space Mtn. was closed and everyone who read it actually believed it, you'd see 100 people at most choose to do something else.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

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