Tips on Combating Motion Sickness

I saw a thread on this once that suggested Bonine (a competitor to Dramamine w/ fewer side effects) and Pepcid. It helps, but what helps more is to drink a ton of water so you don't get dehydrated.

The accupressure thing sounds very interesting tho, will have to check that out.

Kick The Sky's avatar
When I was on a cruise a few years back I got majorly seasick due to high seas. I was smart though, and had asked my doctor for a prescription of this small patch you put behind your ear. The patch lasts the entire day and works like a charm. If you have longer hair, people wont even notice you have it on. I also notice that I get sick on coasters if I dont eat during the day. I get into the power riding mentality and neglect eating and get sick. Once I eat something I am fine for the rest of the day.

Bob Hansen

Bolliger/Mabillard for President/VP 2004

If you take drugs, just watch the dosage. My wife took 2 pills instead of the recommended 1 of Dramamine and ended up nauseous and near passing out.... before she even rode anything.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

I eventually grew out of it, only on rollercoasters though. I still get car sick and motion sick on some other things, but on amusement park rides, i just grew out of it. Ride more and u'll get used to it. I remember i felt so ill after only riding Mind Eraser at SFA for the first time when I was a little younger, but now i can ride without feeling sick!

If you have ridden a brand new know what I'm talking about...they are smooth then and extremely fast and they make you sooo dizzy.

That is why I felt sick after Mind Eraser, it was only the second year that it was open!

----------------- can't handle a rollercoaster huh? ARE the Weakest Link! Goodbye!
Number 1 Batwing Fan!

stoogemanmoe's avatar
The only ride I have ever got sick on was Shockwave at SFGRAm. I rode it twice in a row and had the worst headache i ever had. Now when I go to a park I take Advil before I go. I went so far as to go to the doctor and have him refer me to another doctor to make sure I didn't have an aneurism or something. Everthing came back normal. I guess Shockwave is just a headache inducer.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

Eat crackers. Really. I got that tip from my grandma and it really does work for me. Can't tell you why.


Im going to try the Travelband does anyone know how much they cost and also are they in stores?

Touch The Sky

Dramamine usually work pretty good for me. For some reason Medusa east seems to be the worst rollercoaster for motion sickness. It bothers me even though other coasters don't and I notice that others have mentioned it.

I do have a real problem with flats and can offer a couple of tips. First, avoid fatty foods. Second, avoid the rides that get to your stomach during the hottest part of the day. There's nothing like a Tilt-A-Whirl on a hot muggy afternoon to churn your stomach.

The same happened to me. I found the best way to stop ur motion sickness is not not reride. I think as our boyds get older we become less toratabel to amusment rides depite the fact that we love them so much. Last year i was abel to ride Nitro over 5times in a row and be fine,but this past weekend I rode it twice in a row ,and i had to get off, i was too qweezy to even want to think about it, but after giving the rides for a rest and walking around,sitting,eating i was better.Also the wristbands for nasuea dont really help much it is all in your mind so ur best bet is to think urself well ,and that should help.
Thanks again. These tips are very helpful. I think not eating might have something to do with it.


Is Bonine really that much better than Dramamine?

3/22/02, The Roller Coaster Collection Site Finally Updated. New Poll, Trip Reports, Photos, RCT, Coaster Company Profiles, Links, and More

1. Avoid drinkd like Coke and Pepsi (acid in them can make you sick).

2. Eat bread (absorbs the acid that can make you sick).

02 parks: SFFT, SWSA, VL, and SFOG!

I am extremely surprised nobody has metioned this yet... BUt the best way to fight the sickness is to ride in front. The biggest reason why a person might get sick on a rollercoaster is because it is unpredictable. It helps allot if you can see the track in front. For me i can do roller coaster such as California screamin 10+ in a row in the front.... but when i dont sit in the front i can hardly handle two times.

Whoa! that's very interesting. I might have to try that. Anyone else tried this?

3/22/02, The Roller Coaster Collection Site Finally Updated. New Poll, Trip Reports, Photos, RCT, Coaster Company Profiles, Links, and More

rcthemepark36 said:
Whoa! that's very interesting. I might have to try that. Anyone else tried this?

It sounds logical. Nausea occurs when your eyes cannot reconcile the motion your body is feeling. Maybe seeing the track allows your brain to compensate for the motion by predicting it. Sounds like a good science fair project.


Actually, the best remedy to avoid motion sickness is to eat ginger root. You can do this by purchasing dried candied ginger at your local supermarket or health food store. My fiance, Catherine, has severe motion sickness. She use to get sick riding in cars. Now, since I have turned her on to the dried candied ginger she can ride any coaster without problems. You want to eat several pieces of it every hour or so to keep you from getting motion sick. It really works, try it!!!


*** This post was edited by coasterkingoftheworld on 4/18/2002. ***

Yeah it does the trick for me as well CKOTW. Ginger biscuits, ginger cake which also stop me gettng sick on the bus going to the park in the first place. My girlfiend says it is all in my head, which may be the case, and my be the case with all the remedies mentioned, but if it does the trick for you stick with it. Any ride that takes you backwards generally does me in. Indiana Jones in Paris or any Boomerang will bring out the Honky Tonk Man in me. I can ride a lot longer and harder on cool days, and generally find rerides better than first goes as my mind is prepared for roughly what is about to happen. When we went to Florida last year the heat and humidity, which I wasn't used to made me feel dodgy, and nearly panicy when we went to the supermart and could not find any ginger biscuits or cake, or capsules or even powder in the baking section. Had to make do with Canada Dry, but it did the trick.....
Can the ginger tablets be purchased at most grocery stores?

3/22/02, The Roller Coaster Collection Site Finally Updated. New Poll, Trip Reports, Photos, RCT, Coaster Company Profiles, Links, and More

You can get them in Britain, but I didn't have any luck in the US. We make up our own Ginger Biscuits and turn up the Ginger count for heavy coasting days. There could be a marketing opportunity for the parks here....I see a stall near the entrance with a kindly looking lady selling biscuits (at a not so kindly markup) shortly before the park mascot grabs you and someone else takes your photo......

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