TimbersFest 2003?

Does anyone know anything about this yet? I'd like to know so I can sign up, as I'm a member of ACE. Thanks.

Millennium Timbers - 310 foot tall wooden GG comming to the Michigan's Adventure nearest to you

You will probably get a flyer with the first ACE news in jan/feb. ALso MIA will put a flyer up on the web which you will when announced be able to DL on ACEONLINE.ORG.

Chuck, who is very, very tempted to come back for the 2003 Timbersfest.

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

This'll be my first Timbersfest, what's it like?

Millennium Timbers - 310 foot tall wooden GG comming to the Michigan's Adventure nearest to you

MiA Jon said:
This'll be my first Timbersfest, what's it like?

It's like riding ST over and over with a bunch of lunatics in the dark for about four hours. Oh, and a passable lunch and a couple rides on WW. All in all, a pretty fun evening if you ask me.

If I had to guess a date, it'd be Sat. June 14.

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

*** This post was edited by Chaindog on 11/25/2002. ***

Based on past years, I would guess TimbersFest '03 will be held on the 14th and 15th of June. But like Mr. Nungester said, wait for the announcement.

Sadly, I won't be making it this time...for like the first year ever. I'm sure it'll still be a blast, though...always is!

What to expect...hmmm. Expect ERT lines to be longer than the lines during the day ;). We rode a good half hour past alotted ERT time this year, and the night rides were amazing. Don't let the two days fool you, everything happens on the Saturday. Unfortunately we didn't get the photo tour like in years past, but no one seemed to mind that much. I definitely think TFest is the best time for someone to experience Timbers as the beast it is.

Sigh, now I want to go! Maybe I can sneak out of Sandusky that weekend ;).

Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

CPLady's avatar

I had a major blast at Timbersfest 02. Whether I go in '03 or not depends on money considering I'm going to Cbuzzcon at SFGAm, and SRM. Both of those are going to cost me two nights lodging each.

Man, I can't imagine a Timbersfest without Kara!!

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Timbersfest with no Kara? OMG!

Didn't you get like 2000 rides that day?

Anyhow, I strongly suggest that if you havn't ridden timbers at night. GO!

This coaster that to me is a good coaster by day becomes a airtime MONSTER at night or in the rain :)

On my previous visit and on my daytime rides at timbersfest I would probably rank the coaster a 8 on a 1-10 basis of just awesomeness. About 9pm this thing went from a 8 of 10 to a 20+

Don't know why but the airtime in the second seat was more than I could have ever imagined.

Chuck, who dosn't think they grease it any extra for timbersfest, I think it just rolls better when the sun isn't shining on it :)

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

Could you go through like a trip-report of what TimbersFest is, like the activities and such. Times too please.


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