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Make sure to click on the pics to make them bigger. *** Edited 2/14/2008 7:29:43 PM UTC by tricktrack***
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
I think that's why that one looks so damn good compared to the others.
That one must have been done using different masks to treat each level of depth separately (and also to add the brick wall in the back).
The world is just too full of great ideas...
Thanks for posting this!
They hand traced the middle areas and simulated the DOF much more realistically at the expense of taking a bit more time than the gradient mask.
Your pics have already been acknowledged on the blog. There is also a link to a tutorial which explains the "making of" of the Gauga Lake picture.
tricktrack said:
Wow, Gonchar: Your photos are great! How long did it take you to do them?
Surprisingly, not long at all.
If you follow the simple technique in the page Jeff linked to (and the original article did too) - it's actually a pretty thoughtless process. Just a couple of steps.
I'm really most amazed at how such a simple thing can trick the brain so easily.
If you want to do something similar to that in-camera then you might try Lens Babies ( for SLR cameras. They allow a movable spot of focus within the frame.
My author website:
Lord Gonchar said:
I'm really most amazed at how such a simple thing can trick the brain so easily.
Yeah, thats really amazing. As somenone who is not really interested in model building and all that stuff, its just strange that everyone immidiately thinks that these are scale models. Where does this rememberance come from?
Would it work for someone who never saw a model picture before?
P.S. The pics you made look really cool, L.G. - I'm sure you must have a massive collection of suitable images :) *** Edited 2/16/2008 1:54:55 AM UTC by superman***
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