ThunderDEAD 4/14/04

Associated parks:

It's true.

you can feel the airtime, even though the lapbar is firmly against you.

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

I'd rather be *having* airtime than feeling it. That, to me, is the "fullest" experience of airtime, not being stapled in by reletively uncomfortable lap bars.

Joe, minor gripe about a great ride!

OMG I have a new sig!!!
True. Gonna Stop Now. :)

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

Stop fighting kids and join me in the playing of Rocky Top Tennessee.

Some of you like it, some of you hate it, you have an opinion and that is your opinion.


coasterqueenTRN's avatar
On no! NO! enough! get it out of my head! :-D


Yeah, I may just have to fight you about the playing of Rocky top :)

Every TD those darn Ooltewah Owls score......

That sounds like a threat thepink... in any event i think i can handle a 115lber:)


Rocky Mountain Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UT sucks. They've ruined Rocky Top forever. *** Edited 4/22/2004 1:47:06 PM UTC by Homey G.***
:O Down with you evil doer!

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

I have a question for those of you who have ridden both TH and Lightning Racer. Being a non-slender rider, I am concerned about the above comments on TH's lapbars. Are the bars on TH worse than LR's or do you have the same general dislike of the ones on LR as well? I have no problem with LR, but should find out if it'd be worth my while to plan a trip to Pigeon Forge if I might not fit on TH.


I am not so slender myself, and have had no trouble getting a click on either coasters. The real problem for me is when going up the lifthill, it will sometimes fall into the second click, which staples me down good :( It happened on one of my rides on TH.

If you have no trouble with LR, you should have no trouble with TH.

rollergator's avatar
Pretty sure c-punk builds all the MFlyers to the same specs....they're snug around the *bum* (hi Jim), but once you get in them, they seem to all be the same size-wise.

Dollywood DOES have the seatbelt extenders as well....;)

They have also added a demo seat at the ride entrance. It seems noone uses it though, evey time I go, evey 2 trains, someone has to get off due to size.

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

Thanks all! I was actually quite comfy on LR, so fingers crossed that the same is true on TH. If not, we're not planning on going down until Labor Day, so I have a little time to do something about it. (yeah, right, dream on, I like to eat too well!)


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