Thunder Island 8-04

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Ride of Steel's avatar

I slept over at my friends on Saturday night after his swim meet and this morning we were trying to think of something to do. I brought up Thunder Island and both my friend and his nanny (rich people lol, his dad owns 30 mcdonalds). The nanny, Renee, went to Wegmans to get some discount tickets. All day slide passes were $10 a piece. She wasn't gonna go into the water park so she just got 2. We drove got lost and then found our way lol and got there at 12:15, 15 minutes after opening.Its located in Fulton NY. There was a large line for tickets so I was happy we had ours prepurchased.

Some of you are probably thinking "What the hell is thunder island?" Well, its an entertainment center. It features a go cart track, mini golf, a ferris wheel, and a small waterpark. I'll go into detail later.

After walking into the water park we decided to ride the tube slide to get warmed up.

As the ratings go the thunder island rating is comparing it to the other park slides/rides, and my rating is comparing it to any other slide or rides in the world/altogether.

The Surge

Thunder Island Rating: 8.5/10 My Rating: 6.5/10

This is my second favorite slide at Thunder Island. Not that high (actually it doesn't leave ground level, but its on a hill) or fast but its fun. I was surprised at how long the slide is. It takes about 30 seconds or so to complete. What I like is that they let you go backwards, connect tubes (via hand holding), or they can spin you. On the double tube my friend and I flipped over and I hit my head lol. We had a blast on this thing! I splashed water on him and we were twisting around the whole time. We waited about 5-10 minutes throughout the day.

Thunder Rush:

Thunder Island Rating: 10/10 My rating 10/10

Ok believe it or not this place has a probowl. These babies are just plain fun. The enclosed tunnel is very intense, yet the "about to be flushed part" is fun. Both combined make a great waterslide, great for this little park. I enjoyed every second of it. My #1 slide I've ever been on. I waited about 15-20 minutes throughout the day.

Giant Twisters: These are two mat slides or body slides (whichever way you choose to go down).

Red: Thunder Island Rating 6.5/10 My rating (3/10)

This has got to be the most boring slide ever. Its design is unique compared to the other, it is very slow. We are talking kiddie slide slow. Worst slide IMO.

White: Thunder Island Rating 7/10 My rating (6.5/10)

This is much much better than the red. The reason is 2 words: Water Pressure. This thing has the water sprayin out like theres no 2morrow. It is so powerful as soon as you sit down you are "launched" down. It slows down 1/2 way but even so its much better than the other.

Waited 10 minutes for both.

Go Karts:

This is a very simple go kart track that is sorta shaped like a smoothed out heart. Very fun despite its size but we did many laps. It was $4 a piece.

I did these slides over and over again so I probably shouldn't bore you with going into detail.

Photo Gallery:

A picture of the "Giant Twisters during off season. The one closer one was just painted red and under my review as the "red giant twister".

This is a picture of the Surge Tube Slide weaving under the future Thunder Rush.

Heres a picture of the near finished thunder rush

The Go Karts

Sorry, those are the only pics I could find on the site that show the different slides. Most are in off season.

Thunder Island is a nice small town park if you are in the area. Some fun slides, but Thunder Rush makes it really worth the trip. I can't give the park a rating because it wouldn't really be that fair. Its great for what its for. I had fun and thats what matters.

*** This post was edited by Ride of Steel on 8/4/2002. ***

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